2016 has seen a lot of underlying changes on ToolsLib. Most of them were improvements to the current services, but we've also prepared the path towards all the new features that will appear in 2017.


In 2016, along a lot of minor changes we..

  • Began to host files with a size up to several GB,
  • Implement the resumable downloads: you can now pause a download,
  • Improved the layout of most of our pages: they are now more clear and easier to browse.


Some of these changes were planned, but most of them came from our users - we are always welcome to your feedbacks and discuss to know your needs and features requests.

Following these improvements, we've seen more and more projects hosted (289 and counting) including major ones like Malwarebytes and ZHPDiag, and more and more users coming to get them. Thus, we hit 150 000 000 downloads a few weeks ago, and more than 37 000 registered users.


Welcome 2017


2016 has been a pretty calm year in term of major features, so we want 2017 to be a big year. Therefore, we will focus on major innovations for the developers like our brand new dashboard. It will help you to manage your project with some awesome improvements: collaboration system, versioning, documentation, telemetry and a lot more to come.


ToolsLib upcoming dashboard

Yes, it's intentionally blurred. :)


This will pave the way to future improvements with the upcoming API and new services, all of them will allow you to manage in an easy and efficient way your project. We'll also provide new communication tools to reach and interact with your users in a broader way.


We always try to deliver these features and new tools with passion and innovation in mind. As always, some ideas are better than the others and there's always room for improvements so we definitely need your input regarding our future!


You'll see the changes pretty soon so stay tuned!

On behalf of the entire team we wish you a happy new year!


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