## v8.3.0 [29/06/2021]
### New Features
* Rewritten updater. It now keeps track of the previous channel and uses it for the updated version.
* When running in non-release mode (e.g alpha or beta) the channel is displayed on the title bar.
* Make the database update channel distinct from the product update channel (for instance it makes it possible to use AdwCleaner alpha with a beta database).
### Changes
* Improve handling of json operations.
* Update Malwarebytes branding to "Cyberprotection for everyone".
* Consolidate most external urls to "adwcleaner.malwarebytes.com".
* Update definitions to 2021.06.29.1
* Update translations.
### Bugfixes
* Make the updater more robust as sometimes the updater didn't launch the new AdwCleaner version.
* Make the GUI arguments parsing more robust.
* Fix some cut-off buttons rendering in Brazilian Portuguese