Version Size Added on Downloads 4.36 MB 11,451
  • MD5 · 8553b01253105b2b065a927a206ad086
  • SHA1 · 1786926631d6fbb7aefc832dee06789bf5d7c410
  • SHA256 · da24cde1f123bb67527a5ce368dfd766023bf4c51bc6f98406c90b587cdd5197
//////// 11/06/2016 <-> TNTCrypter 1 Year Anniversary //////// v2.0.0.0 - 01/04/2016 //////// - Changed layout of File Comparison module's GUI. - Changed the About Form, added a new picture and activated easy closing on pressing the 'Esc' button. - Changed context menus on input and output textboxes and converted them back to rich textboxes because of performance issues. - Added new Picture Injector module for image steganography that supports injection and extraction of data. - Added detailed message for file fields that are not set at the start of the compare procedure in File Comparison module. - Added safe waits on canceling of encrypt/decrypt operations in the File Crypter module. - Added drag and drop of text to the three input text boxes for all text modules. - Added global field for memory of last chosen buffer size in current application session. - Added modules choosing tab to MDI menu strip. - Added Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) in the file tab to MDI menu strip. - Added 'Crazy Harry' copyright message in the file tab to MDI menu strip. - Added options tab for buffer size to MDI menu strip. - Added debug options tab for self-application debugging. - Added keyboard shortcuts to MDI menu strip. - Added safety on keyboard shortcuts long holding and in the MDI Container FormClosing event. - Added anti-flickering improvements. - Added performance improvements. - Fixed bug enabling vertical resize to smaller size for up to 4 pixels more than defined. - Fixed bug enabling to actively change the buffer size for the next file in a queue of a multiple file operation for all three file modules. - Fixed bug with removed scroll bars from input and output textboxes and revised all textboxes. - Fixed bug with shorter character span for output result textboxes in some of the modules. - Fixed bugs with wrong invokes and resurrection of dead processes in the File Comparison module. - Fixed bugs with wrong invokes and resurrection of dead processes in the File Hashing module. - Revised and changed decryption and base64 conversion messages for encountered problems. - Revised and changed the ReportProgress of the progress bar in the File Hashing module. - Revised all operations with thread invokes to the progress bars in TNTCrypter. - Revised all handling and passing of parameters taken from the GUI of all three file modules. - Revised the protection from doing active changes of the GUI parameters while doing an operation. - Retested all modules. - Minor GUI changes and optimizations. //////// v1.9.0.0 - 13/03/2016 //////// - Migrated application from SDI to MDI. - Design improved and upgraded to lighter colours theme. - Main menu picture (Crazy Harry) is now rounded and the onClick events capturing is more precise. - Added new Converter module for converting to and from valid Base64 strings. - Added new Comparison module for fast comparing of two files. - Added onClosing thread safe exiting for MDI children calls for File Hasher and File Crypter modules. - Added responsive design to main menu. - Added license agreement and changelog inside MDI GUI. - Added menu strip to GUI. - Added internal visible menu strip GUI locks for strip buttons, menu buttons and other modules. - Added right click context menu for copy and paste to all text boxes. - Added safety in drag and drop events effects types. - Removed window size memory for modules. - Removed 'Exit' buttons. - Removed false menu button lock on drag and drop hashing of multiple files. - Fixed bug with Ctrl+A shortcut on text boxes. - Changelog style has been rewritten. - Minor bug fixes and optimizations. //////// v1.8.0.0 - 28/01/2016 //////// - Fixed bug with not deleting files on only wrong IV when decrypting gzip format. - Added another thread for drag and drop checking operations to File Hashing module. - Added another thread for drag and drop checking operations to File Crypter module. - Added multiple file drag & drop feature to File Crypter module and a new thread for the calls. - Added safety changed on drag and drop system calls. - Added listing of inaccessible files for recursive operations and for drag and drop operations with more than one file. - Fixed bug of saying that the folder is empty on recursive searching a directory full of files without read permission. - Fixed bug on closing event of the File Crypter module for wrong disposing because of dialog windows. - Fixed some English syntax mistakes in the GUI modules. - Minor bug fixes and optimizations. //////// v1.7.0.0 - 12/01/2016 //////// - Added "Could not find file" exception logging to result, for file hashing. - Added multiple file drag & drop feature to File Hashing module and a new thread for the calls. - Added one file drag & drop feature to File Crypter module. - Fixed bug in recursive hash operations printing results. - Fixed bug in renaming an output file for encrypting/decrypting. - Fixed .tmp rename bug with compression. - Removed Menu button locks in some GUIs. - Changed encrypted and compressed format from .aes.tnt to .tntaes, etc. Change has been made in all available input/output calls. - Minor GUI elements changes. //////// v1.6.0.0 - 20/11/2015 //////// - Added text field option for hash comparison in the file hasher with auto removal on paste of the characters ' ', ':' and '-'. - Added buffer size option for file hashing and file encrypting/decrypting modules. - Password, IV and Salt fields are now '*' masked. On mouse hovering the text is revealed, else it is hidden. - Added hasher optimization against zombie objects in RAM. - Fixed recursive searching back to menu bug. - Fixed recursive searching 'null' zombie object bug. - Added extra logic on FormClosing events on some GUI modules for safety and cleaning of objects. - Added returning to default size and location of window after demaximization, when going to the menu and back to some sub menu form. - Changing GUI initial size from (578x479) to (570x460) for better VGA compatibility. - Removed bug pasting text styles (font, size, colour and etc.) to rich text boxes. - Added file dialogs RestoreDirectory option and set the initial directory to where the file is executed from. - Added name showing in result while generating hash of a file. - Fixed tab indexing bugs in some of the GUI modules. - Added second mutex for the popup "already running". - Added third mutex for new popup "does not support starting with arguments". - Other minor bug fixes and optimizations. //////// v1.5.0.0 - 11/10/2015 //////// - Added the ability for recursive directory search thread cancellation. - Removed bug when trying to exit or go to the menu while in a recursive search operation. - Channing GUI items logic while searching and locking the recursive search with the new cancellation option. - Form size and maximization of window memory added for going to the menu and back to some sub menu form. - Setting every GUI to be the same initial size (578x479) at start up, VGA compatible. - Added checking if the Clipboard is used by another process and safely storing data to it. - Optimizations in recursive directory search implementation. - Removed bug in recursive decryption calling of operation. - Changes in some of the GUI's elements internal functionalities. - Channing GUI items logic while there are working threads. - Added status strips to hashing text and encrypting text forms. - Other minor bug fixes and optimizations. //////// v1.4.0.0 - 25/09/15 //////// - Recompiled, with optimizations. //////// v1.4.0.0 - 09/07/15 //////// - Changed limitation of hashing/encrypting/decrypting from 500 files to up to 10 000 files. - Moved recursive searching to a different thread. - Optimizations in recursive directory search implementation. - Adding two animations while searching a directory recursively. - Channing GUI items logic while searching and locking the recursive search until it finishes. - Removed bug when trying to cancel a recursive hashing operation. - Fixed vanishing of the file original extension when using the compression option in combination with changing the output name. - Removed bug when decrypting files with a wrong key, because of bug in supporting cancellation in .NET 3.5 version. - Removed bug when trying to cancel a decryption of a file. - Removed bug when trying to cancel a recursive decryption operation. - Improved logic in cancellation of all operations. - Because of a bug in .NET 3.5 implementation of the Gzip class making compressed archives bigger than original file, it has been changed with other custom implementation. - Straighten entropy of data and increasing the compression ratio by changing order of encrypt-compress to compress-encrypt, etc. - Adding .tmp extension on temporary files while compressing/decompressing. - Changing .gz extension to .tnt because of the change of logic applied. - Other minor modifications to the option "Compresses files with gzip before encryption". - Straighten key and IV quality by hashing them before use. - GUI bug with changing settings while working removed. - GUI buttons changes in logic. - Mutex settings changed. - Major optimization of the main algorithms. - Other minor bug fixes and optimizations. //////// v1.0.0.0 - 11/06/15 //////// - Tool has been released! - Changelog available! ///////////////////////////////////////
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