• R · ClearLNK

    Improved treatment indication. Added insurance for working with regular expressions. Added compatibility with DBCS systems (local-independence). Added compatibility when launched via Local System context. Added translation into Ukrainian. Improved compatibility with AutoLogger: it is allowed to transfer the CheckBrowsersLNK folder containing the Check_Browsers_LNK.log log to ClearLNK instead of the log itself. Improved shortcut parser. Databases has been updated. Fixed errors in the report on the deleted items. Fixed a bug where the report was not created if all shortcuts are no longer existed. Increased program speed.
  • · ClearLNK - SHA256: 6e24ac22f2ca5f7292982ad4b81be208c42c390bf75ff833c57a198970196b66 Added support with Windows 2000 and Windows Server with Terminal services. - SHA256: cac5f649e341ee69429697cdb54f01db6993e232f74ec321ed73e7d8c68f6aec Fixed error in database handler. - SHA256: 935c5a094bc10bd88da7e646735efceaec944011d1f9db97596ab8c18337bda1 Engine behavior has been fixed. Introduced more stringent rules for browser shortcuts. Database read error has been fixed. Исправлена ошибка с дублированием пути при вставке вручную в поле ввода. Beta Расширение .pif убрано из обработки программой. Пополнены базы Beta Добавлена подсекция "Также обработаны". Сюда выносится отчет по дополнительному списку ярлыков, захваченных для обработки при эвристическом анализе во время лечения замаскированных ярлыков из основного списка. Прим.: если путь, предназначенный для основной секции, попал в дополнительную, это значит, что физически был обработан другой (переименованный в него) файл, а оригинальный был удален. Иконка ярлыка больше не будет исправляться, если уже указывает "на себя". Добавлены правила обработки ярлыков портативных браузеров. Файлы с расширениями .pif, .ico, .appref-ms, .application, .website приравнены к .url (действие - только удаление). Добавлены определения редакций Windows 10, SuiteMask (SM), ProductType (PT). Регулярные выражения теперь могут работать при повреждениях регистрации в системе (спасибо Кривоусу Анатолию). Убрана зависимость от библиотеки scrrun.dll Добавлены расшифровки к кодам системных ошибок, если такие возникнут во время фикса. Вырезан ключ -twice Запрет запуска 2-х копий программы заменен на предупреждение Да/Нет. Исправлена ошибка с файловым редиректором, иногда приводившая к проблеме с рассчетом хеш-сумм. Пополнены базы. - MD5: B1A3699A0247B18EE836F8CB991440E7 Добавлена поддержка браузеров с юникодными именами ярлыков. Отключено преобразование путей в формат 8.3. Обновлены базы. Обновлен модуль сабклассинга сообщений до v2.2. На некоторых ОС мог происходить креш при закрытии программы. Добавлено перетягивание файлов (логов и ярлыков) на форму с поддержкой юникодных имен. Добавлен обход защиты UAC при перетягивании на форму файлов из-под приложения с более низкими привилегиями (уровнем целостности). Добавлена комбинация клавиш Ctrl + A (выделение всего текста). Отключено автоматическое выделение всего текста по клику на текстбокс. По нажатию кнопки "Вставить из буфера" список ярлыков в текстбоксе теперь не заменяется, а дополняется. beta - MD5: 3578182C91BC3F4FFE06E7D86ABBCB0E Синхронизация баз в связи с обновлением Check Browsers' LNK. beta - MD5: 4444DBCDF942FE681D60EA9DDDF85DA1 Fixed error while updating icon cache. Debug message that is appeared during cure was removed. alpha - MD5: FBFE7DF69F201DF4C149598BE2257D5E Added unicode support when you paste the list of shortcuts on the programm window or when you move shortcuts on programm file. Moving of shortcuts on main window is temporarily disabled. Class for subclassing window messages by Anatolii Krivous has been updated to v.2.0 Added Deutch language (intefrace and user's manual. Look at main developer's page) Added command line key -DE (will switch interface to Deutch) - MD5: D63A6F959A1CD23E4373B65A7E0D9FE9 Now all shortcuts are processed if they are copied to the main window of ClearLNK, regardless of whether the sign - (minus) before the line. Removed extra lines in the section "location of icons" Database updated. - MD5: 596A904523732F26E7E79BAD2C1AE324 [bug] ClearLNK sometimes change desktop theme to standart on some systems. It was fixed. [bug] Fixed error with interpretation of 64 bitness pathes from browser database. Improved checking of launching from archive. Removed extra lines (SKIP) in the log of fixed icons. Database updated. [cure] Now icon location will be restored only for shortcuts that match specific criteria. [bug] Clipboard codepage recovery for inserting list of shortcuts was switched off by mistake. [interface] Improved definition of clipboard data format corruption (thanks, Anatoly Krivous). [interface] Pressing the "Cure" button on an empty shortcut list will cause downloading request of program Check Browsers' LNK. [report] Removed output of process integrity level (IL). [report] Added section "Icon location". Here will be displayed [SKIP] in case of changing the icon, or [OK] "path to shortcut" -> [new target of icon] <- "old target of icon". [cure] Added cure for hijacked icon of shortcuts LNK (thanks to Turok123 for example). [cure] If original legal shortcut was masked, he will also get a complete disinfection procedure (if success, will be marked "original recreated" in report) (thanks to thyrex). [cure] Improved mechanism of update of desktop icons cache. [report] Fixed situation with wrong status in report: "(already cured)" instead of "(attribute ... removed)", when shortcut target was legit. [report] Improved procedure of checking of launching with highest privileges. Will be specified on the field "Elevated" (thanks to Zaitsev Oleg) [report] The information about user's group that he is belong to (Administrator, Power User, Limited User or Guest) has been added to report. [report] Integrity level of process has been added to report (mark IL). [report] Empty reports, that was created by user's mistake, will no longer be saved and will not added to calculation of the number of cure launchings. [interface] If launched from archive, the program will ask permission to copy itself on the desktop and re-launch. [interface] If the program launched without highest privileges, there will be displayed a warning with ability of automatically re-launching of the program (thanks to SNS-amigo). [bug] Drag & drop on program windows does not worked. [bases] Added browser CometBird. [bug] ClearLNK sometimes could not save settings file (error "WriteSettings"). [bug] Removed duplicate records in the report, when the shortcuts cure launched twice: first time to cure arguments, and a second time to remove the attributes. Errors of reading the shortcuts were detailed. ---> Other changes are the same like in Check Browsers' LNK update [bug] 64-bitness redirection was not correctly resumed. It could potentially cause the program crash. [bug] File names which consists of characters outside the range of ASCII is defined correctly now (It affect on necessity to show alterative name on format 8.3). [base] Added browser Comodo Chromodo. Added checking of policy of short file names creation '8.3' (it doesn't work as described in MSDN. Thanks for confirmation of bug to Liviu). Functions of reading of registry, expanding of environment variables, getting size of file names, was replaced with unicode analogues. [Interface] Added French translation (thanks to Fr33tux (fr33tux.org)). Added command line key -FR to force choosing of French interface language. Renaming program file to ClearLNK_FR.exe will be the same. [bug] Sometimes when you tried to remove the argument of the target, redirected through Wow64, occurred deleting the shortcut. [Functional] Shortcuts reading and writing moved to Unicode interface. [Functional] Added system notification on events of rename, create, delete, and change the attributes of shortcuts (sometimes early we had to press F5, to see the changes). [Functional] Added cleaning of shortcuts icon cache. [Functional] Added command line switches to force choosing of interface language ("-EN" - English, "-RU" - Russian) You can also rename file to the name ClearLNK_EN.exe, ClearLNK_RU.exe. It will the same. [Report] Language code and OS Build displays now in the header of log. [Report] Added log's checksum. To check it, erase the phrase "CRC32: ..." and resave the log. [Report] Sort log by prefixes. [Report] Added dividers groups of prefixes. [Report] Added numbers for tracking the sequence of treatment. [Report] Added how many times today launches a treatment. [Report] Omitted category records with zero results in statistics. [Interface] interface of the program will not be hidden when you drag a shortcut or Check Browsers' LNK log on ClearLNK. Other little changes to algorithm and log (details available on official site).

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