I have 2 Dell laptops running windows 10 that keep blue-screening when running adwcleaner's "Cleaning" step, I enabled the debug option, the last process it lists before the log ends is dasHost.exe which is in windows\system32 , file size 95232 bytes , description: Device Association Framework Provider Host .

I won't be able to check back until monday, but if you guys need any more information I'll be happy to.

P.S. Thank you guys for making such a wonderful easy to use tool for free! If you guys need a tester at any point send me an email, I'd be happy to help and do something to return the help this program has given me.

Re: Adwcleaner BSOD on closing processes


Can you provide us the whole list of running processes ?

In powershell, enter the following command and copy/paste the content in your next answer :


Best regards,

Re: Adwcleaner BSOD on closing processes

I'll keep checking back over the next hour to see if you reply again.

EDIT: Tried to put log in code snippet, hopefully displays correct on your end >.<


Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K) VM(M)   CPU(s)     Id  SI ProcessName
-------  ------    -----      ----- -----   ------     --  -- -----------
    127       8     1356       6572    67     0.03   1624   0 AdaptiveSleepService
    195      19     3180      11940   121     0.48   2404   0 AppleMobileDeviceService
    188      11     2024       8708    98     0.31   8836   2 atieclxx
    136       7     1296       5504    36     0.08   1116   0 atiesrxx
    207      13    10848      17076 ...60     1.80   5372   0 audiodg
   3637      96    94852      43976   400    55.44   1920   0 AvastSvc
    455      37    12240      11016   224     0.69   5256   2 avastui
    459      37    12108      11004   224     0.66   7992   1 avastui
    187      13     2608       8924   115     0.19   7708   2 CLMLSvc_P2G8
     89       7     1104       4956 ...11     0.05   1936   0 conhost
    171      11     4996      11908 ...44     0.17   8596   2 conhost
    549      15     1536       4776 ...03     3.81    596   0 csrss
    285       9     1416       5488 ...98     4.13    720   1 csrss
    371      15     1936       5512 ...35     1.06   7632   2 csrss
    458      21     4956      16040 ...25     0.53   1552   0 dasHost
    667      34    16968      37776   184     2.02   2688   0 DCCService
    680      45    26432      42872   200     4.91   5388   0 DeliveryService
    726      38    19540      43396   197     3.56   6660   0 DellUpService
    785      39    46008      27348   343     2.92   1900   2 DFS.Common.Agent
    836      83    43344      67012   628     4.34   1292   0 DFSSvc
    373      20    34960      32872 ...59     6.47   7232   2 dwm
    297      15     3980      12656   106     0.34   2444   0 EvtEng
   2756      96    44736      96028 ...64     8.95   6320   2 explorer
     34       5      732       2828 ...08     0.00   1548   2 fontdrvhost
    130       8     1636       6900    61     0.06   2308   0 Fuel.Service
     90       6      952       4688    36     0.02   2272   0 ibtsiva
      0       0        0          4     0               0   0 Idle
   1079      22     5808      15552 ...01     3.86    864   0 lsass
    823      74    37188      51592   611     2.75   4156   0 MDLCSvc
    147      13     1684       6064    36     0.44   2484   0 mDNSResponder
    650      41    11056      36308   248     0.81   8224   2 OneDrive
    103       8     1268        636    79     0.05   9068   2 ONENOTEM
    580      39    57212      71660 ...79     6.14   1668   2 powershell
    992     126    45684      65820   635     3.55   5036   0 PRSvc
    227      14     6364      18128   116     0.14   4508   2 quickset
    290      16     9324      16496   126     0.19   4492   2 RAVBg64
    271      14     5472      11320   118     0.11   4820   2 RAVBg64
    263      14     5392      12824   116     0.09   7684   2 RAVBg64
    264      15     5668      13584   119     0.13   7952   2 RAVBg64
    142       9     1728       8660    78     0.03   2440   0 RegSrvc
    290      21     9188      16684 ...15     0.48   8504   2 RemindersServer
    127       9     1456       6200    58     0.06   2524   0 RichVideo
    146       8     1532       7276    67     0.06   1616   0 RtkAudioService64
    345      16     4884      13260   130     0.19    768   2 RtkNGUI64
    545      31    10992      36756 ...96     1.39   1688   2 RuntimeBroker
    738      75    38788      41508 ...61     7.66   3820   0 SearchIndexer
   1190     136   119108     165648 ...06     7.73   2956   2 SearchUI
    366      10     3512       7264 ...77     3.33    836   0 services
    326      27     4936      19384 ...03     0.25   5052   2 SettingSyncHost
    825      35    33128      66360 ...29     1.64   8072   2 ShellExperienceHost
    422      14     4776      18544 ...51     1.23    212   2 sihost
    135       9     1768       6532    57     0.11   5604   2 SkypeHost
     52       3      396       1220 ...59     1.03    456   0 smss
    647      33     9620      22364 ...76     1.02   1596   0 spoolsv
    323      21     8804      11896 ...85     1.81    284   0 svchost
   2270      91    35536      64252 ...93    40.30    560   0 svchost
    883      38    80124      96116 ...41   143.00    924   0 svchost
    789      24     8792      21856 ...52     6.89    964   0 svchost
    164      10     2016      10264 ...97     0.08   1012   0 svchost
    736      16     5312      10196 ...99     8.77   1020   0 svchost
    611      37     7900      16464 ...61     2.45   1248   0 svchost
    908      35    20180      33464 ...98     4.66   1260   0 svchost
    577      51    17000      27436 ...56     8.48   1268   0 svchost
    328      18     3320       9968 ...05     1.06   1332   0 svchost
    579      37     7144      16792 ...67     2.64   1720   0 svchost
    503      22     7476      24316 ...04     1.61   2248   0 svchost
    243      34     5628      19072 ...63     5.89   2352   0 svchost
    163      11     2104       8396 ...01     0.14   2360   0 svchost
    124       9     1476       6348 ...83     0.55   3268   0 svchost
     92       6     1412       5168 ...80     0.16   5396   0 svchost
   1200       0      188      20200    26    48.38      4   0 System
    113       7     1220       5932 ...84     0.03   6088   0 taskeng
    300      33     6832      15532 ...87     0.34   8212   2 taskhostw
    303      28    15608      31308   169     3.84   1124   0 tbaseprovisioning
    104       6     1136       6072 ...82     0.05   2060   0 unsecapp
    106       7     1216       6704 ...02     0.02   2972   2 unsecapp
    180       9     1380       6304    60     0.03   7052   2 WavesSvc64
     86       7     1972       5800    32     0.03   2616   0 WavesSysSvc64
     99       9     1376       5240 ...98     0.16    704   0 wininit
    210      10     2052      18848 ...20     0.52   6356   2 winlogon
    468      18     4496      15828 ...54     0.41   1928   0 wlanext
    278      13     6876      13760 ...02    72.16   2304   0 WmiPrvSE
    224      15     3656      12536 ...35     1.05   2372   0 WmiPrvSE
    226      10     1816       7296 ...00     0.02   3868   0 WUDFHost
    301      18     4164      16300   114     1.06   2600   0 ZeroConfigService


Re: Adwcleaner BSOD on closing processes


I whitelisted "dasHost", can you tell me if it's ok now ?


Re: Adwcleaner BSOD on closing processes

I downloaded a fresh copy from the site and ran it, still giving BSOD. Waiting for the machine to restart to check the log.

Re: Adwcleaner BSOD on closing processes

I uninstalled and enabled debug again, generating log file and I'll post it. I'll have to get back with you gentlemen on monday to read any replies though, I have a flight in a few hours and it takes a while to get checked in.

Re: Adwcleaner BSOD on closing processes

2016-04-15 11:23:20 : [Notice]		Scan started
2016-04-15 11:23:20 : [Success]		Internet connection is UP
2016-04-15 11:23:22 : [Success]		Loaded C:\Users\tloft\AppData\Local\Temp\sqlite.dll
2016-04-15 11:23:22 : [Success]		Opened C:\AdwCleaner\adwcleaner.db
2016-04-15 11:23:22 : [Success]		Database v2016-04-15.1
2016-04-15 11:23:23 : [Success]		Retrieved 1711 elements from 'chrome_extensions' table
2016-04-15 11:23:23 : [Success]		Retrieved 10 elements from 'chrome_files' table
2016-04-15 11:23:23 : [Success]		Retrieved 1142 elements from 'files' table
2016-04-15 11:23:23 : [Success]		Retrieved 980 elements from 'firefox_extensions' table
2016-04-15 11:23:23 : [Success]		Retrieved 265 elements from 'firefox_files' table
2016-04-15 11:23:24 : [Success]		Retrieved 3587 elements from 'folders' table
2016-04-15 11:23:24 : [Success]		Retrieved 34 elements from 'generic_addlyrics' table
2016-04-15 11:23:24 : [Success]		Retrieved 66 elements from 'generic_appinit' table
2016-04-15 11:23:24 : [Success]		Retrieved 228 elements from 'generic_browsefox' table
2016-04-15 11:23:24 : [Success]		Retrieved 71 elements from 'generic_crossrider' table
2016-04-15 11:23:24 : [Success]		Retrieved 290 elements from 'generic_multiplug' table
2016-04-15 11:23:24 : [Success]		Retrieved 162 elements from 'generic_mywebsearch' table
2016-04-15 11:23:24 : [Success]		Retrieved 24 elements from 'generic_vitruvian' table
2016-04-15 11:23:24 : [Success]		Retrieved 397 elements from 'registry_classes' table
2016-04-15 11:23:24 : [Success]		Retrieved 21 elements from 'registry_dns' table
2016-04-15 11:23:24 : [Success]		Retrieved 89 elements from 'registry_firewallpolicy' table
2016-04-15 11:23:26 : [Success]		Retrieved 7040 elements from 'registry_guid' table
2016-04-15 11:23:26 : [Success]		Retrieved 770 elements from 'registry_other' table
2016-04-15 11:23:26 : [Success]		Retrieved 774 elements from 'registry_productids' table
2016-04-15 11:23:26 : [Success]		Retrieved 647 elements from 'registry_run' table
2016-04-15 11:23:27 : [Success]		Retrieved 897 elements from 'services' table
2016-04-15 11:23:27 : [Success]		Retrieved 3287 elements from 'softwares' table
2016-04-15 11:23:28 : [Success]		Retrieved 1030 elements from 'tasks' table
2016-04-15 11:23:28 : [Success]		Retrieved 519 elements from 'urls' table
2016-04-15 11:23:28 : [Success]		Retrieved 17 elements from 'whitelist_firefox' table
2016-04-15 11:23:28 : [Success]		Retrieved 60 elements from 'whitelist_processes' table
2016-04-15 11:23:28 : [Notice]		Closed C:\AdwCleaner\adwcleaner.db
2016-04-15 11:23:28 : [Notice]		Unloaded C:\Users\tloft\AppData\Local\Temp\sqlite.dll
2016-04-15 11:23:28 : [Notice]		==> Looking for User profiles
2016-04-15 11:23:28 : [Success]		<== Found tloft
2016-04-15 11:23:28 : [Success]		<== Found Administrator
2016-04-15 11:23:28 : [Notice]		==> Looking for Firefox profiles
2016-04-15 11:23:28 : [Success]		<== Found C:\Users\tloft\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\7n94sfqq.default
2016-04-15 11:23:28 : [Notice]		==> Looking for Chrome profiles
2016-04-15 11:23:28 : [Success]		<== Found C:\Users\tloft\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
2016-04-15 11:23:28 : [Notice]		==> Retrieving global paths
2016-04-15 11:23:28 : [Success]		<== Retrieved 62 global paths
2016-04-15 11:23:28 : [Notice]		==> Retrieving shortcut paths
2016-04-15 11:23:28 : [Success]		<== Retrieved 11 shortcut paths
2016-04-15 11:23:29 : [Success]		Added Generic.ProgramFiles
2016-04-15 11:23:31 : [Success]		Added Generic.ProgramFiles [x64]
2016-04-15 11:23:45 : [Success]		Added Generic.SystemDir [x64]
2016-04-15 11:23:45 : [Success]		Added Generic.AppDataCommonDir
2016-04-15 11:24:04 : [Success]		Added Generic.SystemDir
2016-04-15 11:24:05 : [Success]		Added Generic.Installer
2016-04-15 11:24:07 : [Success]		Added Generic.Other
2016-04-15 11:24:07 : [Success]		Added Generic.GUID
2016-04-15 11:24:07 : [Success]		Added Generic.Registry
2016-04-15 11:24:08 : [Success]		Added Generic.Chrome
2016-04-15 11:24:08 : [Success]		Added Generic.Firefox [1] - C:\Users\tloft\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\7n94sfqq.default
2016-04-15 11:24:08 : [Success]		Added Generic.Firefox [2] - C:\Users\tloft\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\7n94sfqq.default
2016-04-15 11:24:08 : [Success]		Added Generic.Firefox [3] - C:\Users\tloft\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\7n94sfqq.default
2016-04-15 11:24:08 : [Success]		Added Generic.Firefox [4]
2016-04-15 11:24:16 : [Success]		Added Firefox extensions
2016-04-15 11:24:17 : [Success]		Added Firefox files
2016-04-15 11:24:21 : [Success]		Added Chrome extensions
2016-04-15 11:24:23 : [Success]		Added Chrome files
2016-04-15 11:24:24 : [Success]		Added Classes keys
2016-04-15 11:24:45 : [Success]		Added GUID keys
2016-04-15 11:24:55 : [Success]		Added Software keys
2016-04-15 11:24:56 : [Success]		Added Product ID keys
2016-04-15 11:24:56 : [Success]		Added Internet Explorer keys
2016-04-15 11:25:03 : [Success]		Added FirewallPolicy keys
2016-04-15 11:25:03 : [Success]		Added SearchScope keys
2016-04-15 11:25:03 : [Success]		Added ExtensionInstallForceList keys
2016-04-15 11:25:03 : [Success]		Added SearchMenuInternet keys
2016-04-15 11:25:03 : [Success]		Added AppInit entries
2016-04-15 11:25:03 : [Success]		Added Userinit entries
2016-04-15 11:25:03 : [Success]		Added Shell entries
2016-04-15 11:25:03 : [Success]		Added DNS keys
2016-04-15 11:25:03 : [Success]		Added Prefixes keys
2016-04-15 11:25:03 : [Success]		Added FileExts keys
2016-04-15 11:25:03 : [Success]		Added DOMStorage keys
2016-04-15 11:25:04 : [Success]		Added Run keys
2016-04-15 11:25:04 : [Notice]		Services scan started
2016-04-15 11:25:05 : [Notice]		Services scan finished
2016-04-15 11:25:05 : [Notice]		Folders scan started
2016-04-15 11:25:40 : [Notice]		Folders scan finished
2016-04-15 11:25:40 : [Notice]		Files scan started
2016-04-15 11:25:51 : [Notice]		Files scan finished
2016-04-15 11:25:51 : [Notice]		DLL scan started
2016-04-15 11:25:52 : [Notice]		DLL scan finished
2016-04-15 11:25:52 : [Notice]		Shortcuts scan started
2016-04-15 11:25:58 : [Notice]		Shortcuts scan finished
2016-04-15 11:25:58 : [Notice]		Scheduled tasks scan started
2016-04-15 11:25:58 : [Notice]		Scheduled tasks scan finished
2016-04-15 11:25:58 : [Notice]		Registry scan started
2016-04-15 11:25:58 : [Notice]		Registry scan finished
2016-04-15 11:25:58 : [Notice]		Firefox preferences scan started
2016-04-15 11:25:58 : [Success]		Read C:\Users\tloft\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\7n94sfqq.default\prefs.js
2016-04-15 11:25:59 : [Notice]		Firefox preferences scan finished
2016-04-15 11:25:59 : [Notice]		===> Scan finished
2016-04-15 11:25:59 : [Notice]		Clean started
2016-04-15 11:26:04 : [Notice]		Killing all processes
2016-04-15 11:26:04 : [Notice]		Attempting to close [System Process] (PID:0)
2016-04-15 11:26:04 : [Notice]		Attempting to close System (PID:4)
2016-04-15 11:26:04 : [Notice]		Attempting to close atiesrxx.exe (PID:1128)
2016-04-15 11:26:04 : [Notice]		Attempting to close tbaseprovisioning.exe (PID:1136)
2016-04-15 11:26:04 : [Notice]		Attempting to close atieclxx.exe (PID:1260)
2016-04-15 11:26:04 : [Notice]		Attempting to close WUDFHost.exe (PID:1568)
2016-04-15 11:26:04 : [Notice]		Attempting to close AvastSvc.exe (PID:1988)
2016-04-15 11:26:04 : [Notice]		Attempting to close wlanext.exe (PID:1340)
2016-04-15 11:26:05 : [Notice]		Attempting to close spoolsv.exe (PID:1716)
2016-04-15 11:26:05 : [Notice]		Attempting to close EvtEng.exe (PID:2340)
2016-04-15 11:26:05 : [Notice]		Attempting to close AppleMobileDeviceService.exe (PID:2348)
2016-04-15 11:26:05 : [Notice]		Attempting to close ZeroConfigService.exe (PID:2416)
2016-04-15 11:26:05 : [Notice]		Attempting to close ibtsiva.exe (PID:2452)

There it is, ibtsiva.exe is in the previous process list, comes up as intel bluetooth service. 

EDIT: Sorry for triple post, and thanks again for all your help! Have a great weekend guys!

Re: Adwcleaner BSOD on closing processes


Do you face the same issue with the latest release ? (v5.112)

Re: Adwcleaner BSOD on closing processes

Sorry I didn't get a chance to reply yesterday, I tried it this morning, scanned and removed without issue. Thanks for the quick resolution!

Re: Adwcleaner BSOD on closing processes


Nice ! Thanks a lot for your patience and the feedback :)

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