Hey team,

AdwCleaner has been a great tool to use to clean malware, however, because it isn't signed, our new AV likes to quarantine it due to some abnormal behavior at the code level.

We can't just whitelist the file because an update is pushed like every week or so, changing the hash. 

Will you sign your code soon so we can continue to use the software? 

Thanks in advance!

Re: When will you sign your code?


AdwCleaner is signed since v5.109...

Did you download it from ToolsLib or from another source ?

Re: When will you sign your code?


AdwCleaner is signed since v5.109...

Did you download it from ToolsLib or from another source ?

fr33tux, 2016-04-25 14:17:35 (UTC)

That is exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks! Yes, I download only from ToolsLib. The versions that were being caught were all prior to v5.109. Thanks again!

Re: When will you sign your code?

Great, thanks for the confirmation !

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