Hello all,

AdwCleaner (last version: 5.118) found following Registry Key:

***** [ Registry ] *****

Key Found : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{8DBC5A0A-31C4-46C7-B252-6B593EA11A87}


This item is actually linked with a harmless updates detection tool for a legit EPSON printers drivers & relevant softwares, called "EPSON Software Updater",  that can be found here:


(see part. Support - Drivers & Softwares - Product Setup)


By the way, path mentioned above doesn't work, as correct Registry key's location (for me) is:


Is it possible to prevent AdwCleaner to detect this Registry Key in the future? 

Thanks in advance.


Re: Some other false positive entrie ("SEIKO CORPORATION - EPSON Software updater") ?


Actually, the path is correct since if a key is found in x64 registry, there will be "[x64]" as a prefix in the path.

This FP should be fixed now, I removed it from the database.


Re: Some other false positive entrie ("SEIKO CORPORATION - EPSON Software updater") ?

Hello Xplode,

I confirm this Registry Key is not detected anymore by updated database.

Thanks again for having fixed this FP so quickly, and for the explanations regarding x64 Registry paths.



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