
I have uploaded 2 softwares: The COCRandomPick and VPPlanetGenerator. It appears there's no support. (I don't wish to expose my email to be harvested by spam bots.)

What is a good way to set up a forum or something so that when a user goes to my web page to download my software, it would be obvious where to go for support?


Re: Starting a forum for your software

Greetings Violoncello,

I have uploaded 2 softwares

Violoncello, 2016-06-19 03:29:36 (UTC)

I'm glad to hear it ! It's a great feeling to know that people like to use our services. :)

As you might have seen (according to https://toolslib.net/forum/viewthread/3880-cocrandompick-clash-clans-random-pick/), a forum category is automatically opened when a new software is uploaded and published on ToolsLib. That's the fastest way of allowing some sort of support.

Do you need something more specific ? We're always trying to improve our system, to listen to our community (both users and developers). So, feel free to ask !

Best regards.

Re: Starting a forum for your software

Thanks for a quick response...

> Do you need something more specific ? We're always trying to improve our system, to listen to our community (both users and developers). So, feel free to ask !

Specifically, I am looking for a way to provide support to users who don't necessarily create an account or login to something. Acting as a guest user, I tried that page (nice) but it looks like I need to login to participate. Or is there a way that I might have overlooked?


Re: Starting a forum for your software



Specifically, I am looking for a way to provide support to users who don't necessarily create an account or login to something. Acting as a guest user, I tried that page (nice) but it looks like I need to login to participate. Or is there a way that I might have overlooked?

Violoncello, 2016-06-20 12:43:28 (UTC)

right now we can't provide a way of helping guest users directly from the website. Even comments requires to be logged in.

On the other hand, we might have some ideas such as a public chat channel integrated into ToolsLib (we already provide an IRC channel, available here : https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=toolslib). It could be something more specific though. Also, we could provide a public mail address (it requires some work) or a way for contacting developers without being registered.

These are just ideas, so don't take my word for now.

Feel free to share your thoughts !


Best regards.

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