Hi, Just wanted to let know that the newest version (6.000) detects the firefox [prefs.js] on lines 735 (and when commented out, it detects 734) and, after some scans, 104. I went to check what was on those lines and...: 104: user_pref("camera.control.face_detection.enabled", false); 734: user_pref("noscript.showVolatilePrivatePermissionsToggle", false); 735: user_pref("noscript.subscription.lastCheck", -1745261644); Now, I'm not really familiarized with the internal working of the plugin but I believe this to be a false positive. (also, because the first time it appeared I shat my pants and pressed "clean" as fast as I could and even after two cleanings, the same appeared). So, hope it's nothing and if not, please advise. Thank you in advance.

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