Can you share the logfile, please?
Usually, you can find it under C:\AdwCleaner\
Thank you.
Yes, sure. It seems to me like it tries to rid of the items found, but they are untrusted and should be there. In addition, when I just let it do its automatic thing, upon reboot, in Firefox the No-Script was completely reset and I have to allow again for each new site I visit. Thanks! https://www.dropbox.com/s/xy8rqxsqelrxb2z/AdwCleaner%5BS1%5D.txt?dl=0
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please relaunch AdwCleaner, it's fixed.
Best regards,
You mean in new version of the program? I don't see anything newer than what I was using 6.010, anywhere. Cool, though. Thank you.
Ah, ok nevermind. I tried it the other day and it was still showing. Now, it does not. I figure the program probably checks online database as it runs/scans and I hadn't before. :)
Indeed, it automatically checks if the definitions have been updated or not, and fetch them if needed.
Thanks for the feedback,
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