After running AdwCleaner windows 10 does not start up. I see the windows logo at start/restart but it does not get to the logon screen but starts flashing. 

I have now the same situation with two laptops. I am very certain that it is due to AdwCleaner because the issue appeared on the second laptop immediately after running AdwCleaner. I think it is due to the removal of a map "Windows/sources" but I am not a specialist. 

On my first laptop I have only a problem when I want to do a restart. The second laptop is completely ruined as well as a normal start as a restart does not work. On this second laptop I even have no access to "advanced repair options" after a hard reboot. 

I was a long term user of AdwCleaner but from now on nomore!!!! 

Re: AdwCleaner crashes my laptop running Windows 10


Seems strange, but we'll need to have a look to the logfile to confirm that it's indeed AdwCleaner the cause of your issue, but it's very unlikely.

I think it is due to the removal of a map "Windows/sources" but I am not a specialist. 

Can you give me more details on that? When and where did you see "Windows/sources"?

Can you reboot with this liveCD: navigate to the root of your Windows partition, go to the "AdwCleaner" folder, and share all the logfiles in there?


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