After running you program the only things I could see listed were the files under the files tab. I selected them and selected the clean button. Your program cleaned them, closed my computer and rebooted. All seemed well until I went into my task manager. To my surprise under the processes tab, 82 Background Processes were listed in addition to 5 Apps. Many seemed to be duplicates (25) (Google Chrome (32 bit). Is this normal? Was it a mistake to delete those files? If so can it be reversed? If not why wasn't there a strong warning stating the consequences?
Adwcleaner is now picking up registry key entries (not folders or files) of Internet Download Manager. A legitimate downloading software that did not use to be picked up in previous versions of Adwcleaner. Please white-list Internet Download Manager.
I have a BIG issue with this software! It removes my Accounting software (NCH Express Accounts & NCH Express Invoicing) even when I am not running the application (adwclean). As soon as I restore the software from the Quarantine Manager, it quarantines it again. I know my accounts software is okay, and without an exclude option, I risk losing this software and all backups of it (even from a USB, as the moment I write the Accounts software to USB, it removes it from there as well. I am NOT running adwclean when this happens. It does NOT show up in processes or services either. A folder exclude is needed as a matter of urgency.
There's still a localisation-problem in german language:
Tools → Quarantänemananger
It must be "Quarantänemanager"! Delete only ONE "N" please.
Minor Language-Problems in the german Version:
Tools -> Quarantänemananger: right: Quarantänemanager
Results (Ergebnisse) missing translation for "Tâches planifiées" -> Geplante Tasks