
on AdwCleaner's page

from QuanNHd, (25 august 2016)

AdwCleaner 6.010 crash when delete some key adware. Plz check


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (24 august 2016)

Bonjour lorsque l analyse se termine cela m affiche une erreur : line 10570 (File "C:\Temps\adwcleaner_6.000.exe") j ai désinstaller adwcleaner redémarrer le PC mode sans échec normal ect.... Rien à faire toujours cette erreur qui apparaît en plus de ça il me trouve 247 menaces j aimerais bien les virés de la sachant que ccleaner est clean et spybot aussi j ai également désinstallé anti virus aux cas ou.
Merci de votre aide


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (21 august 2016)

Just downloaded this software and already its as buggy as hell:
AutoIt Error.
Line 10570 (file "C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\adware_6.000.exe")
Error: Variable used without being declared.

Can't get it to work, thanks for the headache.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (20 august 2016)

me acabo de actualizar el programa adwcleaner:6.000 y se me bloquea...

Hacia la busqueda de exploradores web(al final del escaneo) me aparece la siguiente ventana:

Autoit error
Line 10570 (File "C:\.........)
Error: Variable used without being declared.

Me podeis ayudar a solucionarlo?
Muchas gracias.
Felicitaciones a los creadores.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (19 august 2016)

Hello, today in version 6 i've found this strange thigs. And i can't delete it:
***** [ Usługi ] *****
Nie usunięto usługi: {67932C61-50C7-4D0C-8F13-3ACC46C32735}


on AdwCleaner's page

from hardkor113, (19 august 2016)

Hello, today in version 6 i've found this strange thigs. And i can't delete it:

***** [ Usługi ] *****

[!] Nie usunięto usługi: {06BD0EA8-9EE4-4E4E-8AEE-AE6013A927F3}
[!] Nie usunięto usługi: {07171AC2-0D2A-427d-BCE5-B6C2D6C7058B}
[!] Nie usunięto usługi: {69732DD2-F57E-4A45-8CF9-02B6C6426AED}
[!] Nie usunięto usługi: {7378FFA0-AC03-4ACA-A436-859A0160E224}
[!] Nie usunięto usługi: {B48ED4B6-73C3-4C0E-947A-7B77CAEE07D9}
[!] Nie usunięto usługi: {CFD7D01D-DE20-4E9B-9419-857E0C15EE56}
[!] Nie usunięto usługi: {DBC73259-789E-41EA-8CF4-96C4BE7ACE7A}


on AdwCleaner's page

from guina, (17 august 2016)

Hello , I have problems with ADW 6.0 , the application appears with the reduced window hiding the Services tab , Folders, Files, .... What does not occur with previous versions , 5.119 and 5.2 .


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (17 august 2016)

Hello from Ontario Canada. Thanks for the tools as always. Here's my bug report for adwcleaner v6.000

AutoIt Error
Line 10570 (File "C:\Users\username*\Downloads\Adwcleaner.exe"):

Error: Variable used without being declared.


on AdwCleaner's page

from cocochepeau, (16 august 2016)


About process killed during cleaning. It will be fixed in the next release.
Concerning elements that are not deleted, can you please describe your problem by sharing logfiles using our forum ( ?



on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (16 august 2016)

version 6.0 .
Adwcleaner finds a threat in file web data located in C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default . The value is Search Provider and data is
I deleted it several times and it still can't be removed, even I deleted the whole Web data file.