Can you give a try to this version: ?
Can you give a try to this version: ?
J'essaie de télécharger ce logiciel et à chaque fois il est dit : Absolète.
S'il vous plaît que veut dire ce mot et pourquoi je ne vois pas le téléchargement se faire ?
Merci de me répondre.
Hello, never experienced problems with ADWcleaner, what happend since you are Malwarebytes? New CEO? The beta version tells me: PUP.Optional.DriverBooster But i have bought this registered program and installed for years and is not a PUP. Maybe for someone but nut for me. iTunes for me is a PUP but i need it for my bloody iPad.
I've used AdwCleaner BETA2 on my PC (Windows 10 Pro x64) and I've encountered no problem with (except the alert box about outdated (beta) version you've just to cancel and "Quarantine bug").
Are you sure of integrity of binary file you've downloaded? MD5 checksum correct value for v7.0.2.0 beta2 must be: ce116e89dfb4b0df2a4128b0f8470e36
If the downloaded file is good, perhaps AdwClean...
These problems seems not solved in AdwCleaner v7.0.2.0 BETA2, yet... :-(
bernard82, 2017-08-05 20:48:57 (UTC)
@Bernard82 : hi! thxs again for sharing yr experence!
maybe are too strong for them...?...or maybe the signals of the malawarebyte's acquisition
are becoming clearer and clearer..what a pity...
always bigh fis...
@Bernard82 : hi! thxs again for sharing yr experence!
maybe are too strong for them...?...or maybe the signals of the malawarebyte's acquisition
are becoming clearer and clearer..what a pity...
always bigh fish eat smaller
@Bernard82 : i totally agree with you!...BUT.... they are still 2 BUGS unsolved yet
i've underlined it since so many days....
thxs for sharing yr experience!
@Bernard82 : now..only NOW the pop alert old vers BUG has been finally fixed..BUT..i ask you:
in events log are you able to -clean- the events displaied..??..or are you forced to go to the c\adwcleaner folder and
delete them -manually-..??
isn't or not the SAME BUG about the Quarantine\issue..??..the gui does not works at all....
@Bernard82: Thanks for the details.
Bjr ^^
Ci-joint le debug log fait avec la version béta téléchargé:(plus de fichier suspect ^^ )
Vu que je ne sais pas si c'était avec cette version qu'il fallait le faire ci dessous le debug log avec la version qui me voyait le fichier d'acronis comme suspect:
Bonne journée