they have already replied with a big lie..: -october-..
maybe they intended october 2018..??
what a shame..
now the only thing to do is to use ZHP Cleaner
lots of compliments..
they have already replied with a big lie..: -october-..
maybe they intended october 2018..??
what a shame..
now the only thing to do is to use ZHP Cleaner
lots of compliments..
maybe this project is -end of life-..??
let us protest against the infaust acquisition of this tool..
bigger fish always eat smaller one..
what a pity
what a shame..
When you say "many people do the AdwCleaner download but are unable to run the program", can you share some other cases? That'd be helpful.
Also, can you try downloading AdwCleaner using another web browser (Chrome, Firefox, ..)?
Bonjour ! J'ai un problème avec ADWCleaner, quand je clique sur nettoyer il cesse de fonctionner. Et sa fait plusieurs version ou j'ai le même problème.
Merci de m'aider !
( Je suis sur windows 10 & J'ai la dernière version d'ADWCleaner. )
Voici le débuglog sur Up2Share :
Lancez AdwCleaner puis cliquez sur Outils > Options et cochez la case à côté de Debug.
Ensuite, vous aurez simplement à me partager le debug log (C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log) via
cocochepeau, 2018-01-28 15:41:59 (UTC)
Pouvez-vous tenter en mode debug ? (Cochez la case debug mode dans les options d'AdwCleaner, puis effectuez une analyse/nettoyage normalement, jusqu'à ce que l'application crash).
Ensuite, vous aurez simplement à me partager le debug log (C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log) via
Load up, updates, begins to check the exits
I have read other posts and did the checks here is the log file
I thought the file was truncated too but that's how it looks. The process just stops. The link is below.
Thanks. The logfile seems truncated. Can you please upload it here: - Then, share me the generated link.
Thanks again.
Please run AdwCleaner in debug mode.