The error Value used without being declared in Version 5.004 has again been seen in the log above.
The error Value used without being declared in Version 5.004 has again been seen in the log above.
Documentation d'AdwCleaner v6.
Valide pour la version 6.043
AdwCleaner est un outil visant à supprimer adware (programmes publicitaires), PUP/LPIs (programmes potentiellement indésirables), toolbar (barres d'outils greffées au navigateur), hijacker (détournement de la page de démarrage du navigateur)... Cette documentation a pour but de détailler les différentes possibilités d'...
AdwCleaner v6 documentation.
Valid only for AdwCleaner v6.x
AdwCleaner is a tool aiming to remove adware (ads software), PUP/LPIs (Potentially Undesirable Program), toolbar, hijacker (hijack of the browser's homepage), ...
It's compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, each of them in both 32 & 64 bits.
This documentation aims to details how to use the software.