Re: Adwcleaner freezes when attempting to remove UCguard and UCguard.sys

Sorry for not getting back to you. Forgot about it for a while. The fixlist removed ucguard.sys but AdwCleaner still detects just the UCGuard service. It no longer detects ucguard.sys.


AdwCleaner scan logfile:

Re: Problems with adwcleaner


Can you try with this version :

It should prevent the multiple tabs opening in Chrome at least. If so, we'll then fix the sqlite3.dll issue.


Not able to install MBAM

I have installed the first time, 2 weeks ago, the free trial of Malwarebytes, in 4 days the free trial shall expire.

Tonight I tried to open malwarebytes for a check and it was not possible.

So I decided to reinastall mallwarebytes, I could download the software without any problem but when 

 it starts to install on my PC after 5 seconds I get a message that a fault has occured and that it c...

zhp cleaner keeps damaging my system


I was on my old system and I have ran zhp cleaner on it and zhp cleaner have found some items (Probably are files belong to Windows). after that I had to clean it up those found items and reboot my system . and when my system is up once again . the system have a real delayed problem at "welcome screen and desktop and my desktop also have a problem to loaded up with a serious error at startu...

Protection for Android

Do you offer a free anti-virus service for Android mobile phones?

Re: when a new vers update of adwcleaner?


We're doing our best to provide fully working updates, and it takes time (tests, internal feedbacks, translations..). Obviously, many things happen in the background. We will never publish a new release every 15 days just because we have to increase the version number. It doesn't make sense.

As fr33tux said:

  • the database is still updated nearly daily to include new definitions wi...

Re: Boost_interprocess folder


Can you do a scan with MB 3 and share the logfile?



Re: Le logiciel ne se lance pas


Cette application n'a pas été mise à jour depuis 2015. Il y a de très fortes chances pour qu'elle ne soit plus maintenu par son auteur. Je peux vous conseiller d'utiliser CCleaner, qui devrait largement correspondre à vos attentes.

Pour télécharger CCleaner, rendez-vous ici :


Re: Problème infection récalcitrance


Attention : Vous devez prendre la version compatible avec votre système : 32 ou 64 bits.

32 ou 64 bits - Comment savoir ?

  • Lancez FRST (Sous Windows Vista/7/8/10, clic droit sur FRST > Exécuter en tant qu'administrateur).
  • Cochez la case Addition.txt.
  • Cliquez sur le bouton Analyser.
  • Une fois le scan terminé, deux r...

Re: Adwcleaner ne détecte toujours rien!

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware version

--> La version 3 est disponible :