Windows Installer pops up


I'm using Windows 10 and Windows installer keeps poping up, it apears and desapears very quicly.  I scanned with "" and got a litle bit better, now when I use some programs like microsoft edge the windows installer does not pop up, but when I use chrome and many other programs the windows installer pop us up. I tryed malwarebytes it detected malware ...

Re: Adwcleaner freezes everytime i try to get rid of UCGuard *Please help me get rid of it* And Malwarebytes doesn't detect it

i scanned and there was no threats detected, well i hope so. I also still getting the chrome ad.



Adware no detection of viruses after scan

On the internet I typed in gmail to login and immediately got a Zeus virus detection message.  I bypassed it, downloaded adwcleanor, scanned the laptop and no detection of viruses.  False warning or blip in detection? My guess false detection with a hack using the common gmail login. Very sad.

Re: AdwCleaner "stopped working"

Hello again,

Updating the feedback.

This time I did some experimenting, and got a result: I didn't first have the debug on when cleaning the "uncleanable" folders, but now I created the same folders exactly in the same paths they were (empty ofc) and started scanning. After it scanned, it found those same folders as a threat. I clicked clean, and a few moments later, it "Stopped responding". ...

ADWcleaner probleme avec une clé de registre


je suis un peu voir carrement perdu. J'ai fait une 1ere  analyse avec adwcleaner. J'ai découvert des menaces. Toutes ces menaces ont disparues . Je redemarre mon pc , je fais une 2eme analyse je vois une menace sur une clé de registre, j'effectue un 2eme nettoyage avec adwcleaner , la clé de registre est supprimé . Apres je fais une 3eme analyse , la clé de registre est toujours presen...

AdwCleaner "stopped working"

When I ran the AdwCleaner, it scanned everything and found some problems. I clicked "Clean" and it said that all programs must be closed for it to run as safely as possible. When it was running and stopping programs while cleaning folders, files etc, at one point, it just "Stopped responding" for quite awhile. Should I wait even longer?

Random Internet connection problem and exploit protection shutdown

I am just doing my internet business and suddenly a pop-up comes from Malwarebytes told me to turn on all real time protection. I checked it out and I noticed Exploit protection was turned off. So I pressed the off button to turn it on again but it won't turn on. So I did a quick scan with the ADWCleaner and it found no threats. I did a Threat scan on Malwarebytes and it also found nothing. I t...

Re: Adwcleaner: Pando Media Booster false positive?

jusr scanned with jrt, kaspersky tdds killer, mcaffe root kit remover and another rougekiller scan. They all came up clean.


Checked the date on the pando folder, August 18 2012, i think it was installed with another mmo, S4 League and i havent had any problem with pando showing up on scans so far


UPDATE:did a Malwarebytes and Hitman scan. Neither of them found anything.

Genius pen tablet application a virus?

I'm using my graphic tablet with it's driver apps, one of which is Genius. ADWCleaner detects this is a virus. I scanned it with Malwarebytes and it didn't show up as a virus.

Here's the link from which I downloaded the driver:

Can anyone help me?

Re: blocage de l'écran

Bonjour et bonne années


Pilote carte mère mis a jour


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The NVIDIA Smart Scan was unable to evaluate your system hardware. Please use Option 1 to manually find drivers for your NVIDIA products.