Re: AdwCleaner has stopped working

dans AdwCleaner par GLykos

AC downloaded here and from the MB link above compare exactly.  The known problem described above occurs with all versions of AC 7.0.x specfically on (at least) Dell laptops running Win 7.  Guess we're still hoping for AC 7.1.x, said to be in the works.


Re: a cessé de fonctionner

dans AdwCleaner par Remi-bzh
2018-01-28 17:07:25.975 DEBUG [13944] [MainUI::buttonScanClicked@294] [i] Scan button clicked (-31986)
2018-01-28 17:07:25.980 DEBUG [10388] [MainUI::Entry@1277] [+] Checking for update...
2018-01-28 17:07:26.370 DEBUG [10388] [AdwCleanerSDK::checkCA@272] OID: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1
2018-01-28 17:07:26.370 DEBUG [10388] [AdwCleanerSDK::checkCA@289] [!] Issuer OK
2018-01-28 17:07:26.371 DEBUG [10...

Re: AdwCleaner has stopped working


I re-ran Adwcleaner today in debug mode.  The log file is below as you requested.



2018-01-17 13:09:09.941 DEBUG [7100] [MainUI::buttonScanClicked@294] [i] Scan button clicked (-31986) 2018-01-17 13:09:09.956 DEBUG [7508] [MainUI::Entry@1277] [+] Checking for update... 2018-01-17 13:09:11.369 DEBUG [7508] [AdwCleanerSDK::checkCA@272] OID: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1 2018-01-17 1...

Hi is this legitimate site?

dans AdwCleaner par lucid


I just have a doubt I wanted to solve, since I saw this site which is pretty vocal about donations and payment which compares in form of pop-up and on the side, apart donation statistics

Eliminare PUP.Optional.Linkury

dans Clean pc par Toby

Non riesco ad eliminare il soggetto. Dopo aver fatto la scansione e messo in quarantena il soggetto e elimitato, dopo poco tempo ricompare. Qualcuno sa aiutarmi per eliminarlo definitamente?


Re: Version beta stops when scanning

dans AdwCleaner par jasbg

Hi Again  Made an effort in running Debug - and getting the Log - after latest HangUp of program - in the Heuristic Scanning : -----------------------------------------------------------------------

2017-08-08 23:04:10.094 DEBUG [6148] [MainUI::buttonScanClicked@294] [i] Scan button clicked (-31986) 2017-08-08 23:04:10.095 DEBUG [4460] [MainUI::Entry@1271] [+] Checking for update... 2017-08-08...

Re: Bug report for QuickDiag

Happy for you :)

if you move them in another folder you'll be able to finish the diag in a good way :) ( quickdiag analyses the msi files only in this folder ( Installer ) , you can for example create a folder in C:\Windows\Installer with the name you want and put these files to keep them not so far and do again a scan with quickdiag , I think it'll go 'till the end :)

sorry for my english bu...

Re: XP sp3 AdwCleaner 5.108

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Great news, thanks a lot for your help and your patience.

So you didn't see any slowness compared to older releases ?


dans Disinfection par Chapi

Hi Klaus,


I will inform the developper of ZHPCleaner that the soft have some weird behaviour. Do you want any help to restore some files ? ZHPCleaner has got a quarantine :)


One question to MalwareBytes before installing it: I have MS Security Essentials installed, won't there be a problem defending one another (and making the PC nearly unuseable) when both are active ? I experienced t...

Re: Adwcleaner 5.034 runs very slow compared to 5.033

dans AdwCleaner par rufus415

Nice fix !!! Thanks. A scan with 5.035 was about as fast as 5.033 with the entire scan taking about 2 and a half minutes with it zipping through the browsers quickly.