Re: new versv 6.0 how to have it in italian language?


now in this page:

" As you can see at the bottom of this thread, "

is written italian 100%...but..still not works in italian..why..??


Installation intempestive de Adguard sur Chrome

on AdwCleaner by ****


Je pense avoir récolté un virus ou autre menace (je suis sous windows 8.1) qui provoque l'action suivante:

Installation automatique et systématique de l'application Adguard sous Chrome avec l'impossibilité de la désinstaller, ce qui me fait penser que c'est une application frelatée.

Les programmes adwcleaner, spybot Search&distroy et Malwarebytes sont inefficaces.

La désinstallatio...

Re: Registry-Einträge beantandet aber Dienste nicht gelöscht


Sorry to answer in English.

These false-positive have been fixed with a recent database update (should be automatic when you do a scan).

Best regards,

Re: Can't remove these


It has been fixed with the latest database update (it will be updated automatically).

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Re: faux_positifs ?


C'est corrigé avec la version actuelle de la base de données (mise à jour automatiquement).

Désolé pour la gêne occasionnée,

ADWC killing TeamViewer


As a business we use TeamViewerto remotely access customers machine to help with various issues.

Today we have found that ADWC is now highlighting that TeamViewer is a threat in the "Services" tab and if not un-ticked will kill/end any remote session once a clean and a restart done.

Is there anything you can do to stop this?

In early version ( not kill/end

ADWC killing LogMeIn

on AdwCleaner by tst


As a business we use LogMeIn (LMI) to remotely access customers machine to help with various issues.

Today we have found that ADWC is now highlighting that LMI is a threat in the "Services" tab and if not un-ticked will kill/end any remote session once a clean and a restart done.

Is there anything you can do to stop this?

Re: ADW 6.000 Crash ( Soucis de conversion variable Sysnative vers System 32)

Dossier System32

Dossier SysWow64


La tache coresponds au lancement automatique du system control manager de MSI ( nessesaire pour avoir certaines touches et activer la webcam)



Since AVG says it's a false threat, it should no longer be detected in a few days..

Here are some more informations from AVG customer support area :



Hi, I currently have no more questions. I will defrag pc tomorrow and if I get something, you will be first to know.

Thankful for assistance,
