Starting a forum for your software


I have uploaded 2 softwares: The COCRandomPick and VPPlanetGenerator. It appears there's no support. (I don't wish to expose my email to be harvested by spam bots.)

What is a good way to set up a forum or something so that when a user goes to my web page to download my software, it would be obvious where to go for support?


Re: Adwcleaner freezes when it tries to clean

on AdwCleaner by ****
2016-06-15 17:09:11 : [Notice]        Running from C:\AdwCleaner
2016-06-15 17:09:11 : [Notice]        Scan started
2016-06-15 17:09:11 : [Success]        Internet connection is UP
2016-06-15 17:09:12 : [Success]        Loaded C:\Users\migue\AppData\Local\Temp\sqlite.dll 
2016-06-15 17:09:12 : [Success]        Opened C:\AdwCleaner\adwcleaner.db
2016-06-15 17:09:12 : [Success]        Database v...

Bug report for QuickDiag


I have Microsoft Windows 10 Professional 64-bit.

Every time I am running QuickDiag in either mode (Xspeed, Quick or Extended) and (even in Safe Mode), it hangs at the exact same file: C:\Windows\Installer\3ef7a91.msi

This is the error message: "Line 7859  (File "C:...

Re: adwcleaner database could not be loaded


We'll release a test version in the coming days for the users that face this issue, we are making a good progress to fix it.

Thank you for your help,

Re: adwcleaner database could not be loaded

on AdwCleaner by ****

It seems that when run on a domain joined computer, I get this error on 5.119. It worked ago on many prior versions and on tens of cleaned systems. This fix seems to work well:!messageId-2941

Re: adwcleaner database could not be loaded

on AdwCleaner by ****

Just like you I've had the same problem for weeks. Database could not be loaded.

I don't know if this will help you but adwcleaner_5.026 is the last version I can run.

After each new version fails I just run it when I want to clean.

Hope it helps

Re: adwcleaner database could not be loaded


Can you send the debug logfile (from C:\AdwCleaner\ ) ?

Thank you,

adwcleaner database could not be loaded

on AdwCleaner by ****

I'm not able to run Adwcleaner.  I just get the message "adwcleaner database could not be loaded" and it shuts down, also in debug mode and running as administrator.


I'm running windows 10pro 



Re: AdwCleaner v5.118 et Avira Antivirus Pro


Le faux-positif d'Antivir a été corrigé après plusieurs heures.. Nous sommes désolés pour la gêne occasionnée !

@Laure : merci de créer un sujet dédié à votre souci, nous vous aideront volontairement ensuite.


Re: Adwcleaner et plus de connection internet

on AdwCleaner by ****

j'ai fait une restauration de windows et ça remarche, je refais Adwcleaner et plus de connection encore une fois

# AdwCleaner v5.118 - Rapport créé le 28/05/2016 à 08:10:47 # Mis à jour le 23/05/2016 par Xplode # Base de données : 2016-05-26.2 [Serveur] # Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Home  (X64) # Nom d'utilisateur : Laure - PC-DUMANOIR # Exécuté depuis : C:\Users\laure\Downloads\adwcl...