@user4747 Please take a look at my answer, here: https://toolslib.net/forum/viewthread/13821-adwcleaner-stops-during-cleaning/?p=1#!messageId-13851
@user4747 Please take a look at my answer, here: https://toolslib.net/forum/viewthread/13821-adwcleaner-stops-during-cleaning/?p=1#!messageId-13851
Looking forward to the next version of AdwCleaner. Hopefully this will resolve this issuse.
user4747, 2017-11-15 11:40:47 (UTC)
Sure thing! I'll try to let you know as soon as AdwCleaner 7.1 is out.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I just tried to run AdwCleaner in Safe Mode unfortonately run AdwCleaner crashed again and produced the same error msg.
Looking forward to the next version of AdwCleaner. Hopefully this will resolve this issuse.
Thx, user4747
# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Tue Nov 14 14:41:20 2017
Hope this will help and please let me know if you need any other data.
Thx, user4747
Hi guys,
I installed the other 'some' tool and while installig this other tool my windows 7 box got infected with
'lavasoft web companion'
obivouly my first weapon of choice was to pick up a new vesion of adwcleaner.
However the currenct version seems of have problems removing the above named spyware.
However I partialy managed to remove some elements of lavasoft web companion....