Concernant mon dernier message, enfin mon avant dernier message pour ce qui est détecté sur mon Mini Pc Hp sous Seven?
Est ce un faux positif???
Concernant mon dernier message, enfin mon avant dernier message pour ce qui est détecté sur mon Mini Pc Hp sous Seven?
Est ce un faux positif???
Could you try restarting your PC in safe mode with networking, install Malwarebytes, do a full scan with them and then attempt to scan with AdwCleaner.
Before that, you could also use RKill to kill any malicious software before using anti-malware. Let me know if this helps.
Un rajout pour mon autre mini pc hp sous Seven:
La nouvelle version montre ceci:
********* [ Services ] **************
PUP.Adware.Heuristic, syncagentsrv
Cela me fait penser à l'agent pour Acronis ou quelque chose comme ça.
Après vérfication c'est bien un composant d'Acronis.
Donc pour celui la c'est un faux positif?
Merci pour l'aide.
Bonne j...
Merci pour votre réponse rapide ^^
Par curiosité et pour apprendre c'est quoi exactement?
Sachant que j'utilise d'autre logiciel et qu'ils n'ont rien vu, tel malwarebyte, ZHPCLEANER
Toujours avoir plusieurs logiciel on ne sait jamais ^^
Have you had any other success determining the issue? Have you tried first scanning with Malwarebytes and then AdwCleaner afterward? What OS are you running and which version? Because that might cause an issue with compatibility (Very rare case). Try launching the application in the admin mode? This guide also has more info about compatibility, IF it is the issue. Speculating at this point. Let...
I too have this same exact occurrence & have started a new thread on (BC) titled: "Strange PC behavior W/ adwcleaner_7.0.0.0.exe"
I'm anxious to see a solution!
It's true I haven't restarted the PC since this whole thing started. Plus while I have IE installed I don't actually use it, not even browser helper objects or anything like that. Though I don't know if that counts for anything.
Could be a delayed update. Sometimes, if you haven't restart your PC for long enough or have software in some specific environments, it can cause issues with the update. (Not sure or confirmed about this, just theorizing)
Particular install features, Failure to detect exe, inability to identify application install folder. The program is crashing at 90% when scanning. One such example:
I do not have other forum links at hand, but when I have time to go through them, I will be sure to keep you updated.
By the...