Re: Newest adw version detects world of warcraft beta as a threat and deletes the whole thing.

edit: in case you deleted the folder via adwcleaner you have to restore it and then locate the folder so your battlenet knows where the files are. otherwise its gonna re download it all. just restored it now so yea now i just have to remember to not delete it again when using adwcleaner again x) also the new version fixed the false positive: greast and fast!

Re: AdwCleaner 7.1.1 false positive with Vulkan

Checked on my 3 other Nvidia GC PC's and didn't find the "C:\Windows\System32\Unknown" folder.

This folder has been installed on march.

Vulkan runtime libraries come from NVidia drivers. As they appear useless for me I uninstalled them on my 4 PC's.

Not sure now that it's not a malware...

AdwCleaner 7.1.1 false positive with Vulkan


Probably a false positive:

# -------------------------------
# Malwarebytes AdwCleaner
# -------------------------------
# Build:    04-27-2018
# Database: 2018-04-30.1
# Support:
# -------------------------------
# Mode: Scan
# -------------------------------
# Start:    04-30-2018
# Duration: 00:00:11
# OS:       Windows 7 Professional
# ...

Re: PUP's from online studies - harmless or not?

Hi Fleks,

I'm curious, do you have Adwcleaner? and do you run the program ?  PUP's are not cookies.  They are connected to other software/surveys that the user(s) downloads.


Re: Fibril.exe

Merci enfait j'ai trouvé c'était une connerie dans le registre ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon/fibril.exe ) Je l'ai supprimé j'ai plus de soucis... Mais tiens si tu veux quand même jeter un oeil au cas ou =>  

pc très infecté

Bonjour à tous,


j'ai téléchargé Nero, RogueKiller & µTorrent sur un mauvais site et j'ai eu 400 malwares sur mon pc,

Dead Rising 3 softonic viruses

Dead Rising 3 softonic viruses

I used adwcleaner to clean these viruses but they just keep on returning after boot-up.

Here are the names:

-Registry- [-] Key deleted: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.wiz

-Web browser- [-] [] [Search Provider] Deleted: [-] [] [Search Provider] Delet...

Re: Mon pc est lent, amazon assistant auto-installe seule, mon pc se déconnecte seul de la wifi

Bonjour/ bonsoir,

Je vous remercie de votre réponse et je m'excuse du retard de la mienne.

Voici ce que vous m'avez demandé:

après avoir nettoyé avec adwcleaner et redemarré l'ordinateur: amazon assistant a réapparu. 

# ------------------------------- # Malwarebytes AdwCleaner # ------------------------------- # Build:    04-12-2018 # Database: 2018-04-24.1 # Support:  https://www.m...

Re: False Positive ?


Sorry for the late answer. The World of Warcraft detection will be fixed in the next release. And for FreeDownloadManager it seems we're keeping the detection - so not a FP.
