The issue is back.
The issue is back.
I'm not an incredibly experienced user in downloading new applications etc.
Today (Tuesday 1st March I was working on a problem with my new (first time) website that I built yesterday using Siteground as the host organisation and Wordpress. I found today that my home page had published to the internet, but not the other pages. I spoke to the tehcnical support people (in Bulgaria ? ) who were...
I'm not an incredibly experienced user in downloading new appications etc.
Today (Tuesday 1st March I was working on a problem with my new (first time) website that I built yesterday using Siteground as the hosrt organisaiton and Wordpress. I found today that my home page had published to the internet, but not the other pages. I spoke to the tehcnical support people (in Bugaria ? ) who were ...
Si je désinstalle tout de suite Karpeski;, je n'aurai plus d'anti virus , (n'est ce pas dangereux et irraisonnable ? )
BOMETIS, 2016-02-29 14:15:29 (UTC)
Vous auriez normalement dû garder Avast comme indiqué au début.
ps : Mais , comprenez moi, etant donné, que ce problème à l'air VRAIMENT très cotaud et pas à la porté de tout le monde , et que ...
Voici le raport de malwarebyteAntimaware :
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
Date de l'analyse: 29/02/2016 Heure de l'analyse: 14:49 Fichier journal: rapport malwareAntimalware 29 2 2016 15H22.txt Administrateur: Oui
Version: Base de données de programmes malveillants: v2016.02.29.03 Base de données de rootkits: v2016.02.27.01 Licence: Gratuit Protection contre le...
Bonjour fr22tux merci de votre aide et bénévolat
Si je désinstalle tout de suite Karpeski;, je n'aurai plus d'anti virus , (n'est ce pas dangereux et irraisonnable ? ) d'autant que la version que je possédé n'a que 4 jours et est une version d'essai ( je ne pourrai peut être ré installer par la suite .. , ) , de plus sur les différents anti virus...
I also updated official version so you shouldn't have this issue if you re-download AdwCleaner from Toolslib or BleepingComputer.
Ok, thanks. Can you re-download again the same version? Just run it and tell me if you still have the issue.
Looks like this is the same bug as on this topic ( in french ) :
Can you try running this version of AdwCleaner :
If you don't have any issue with this version, your problem will be solved with v5.037 which wil...
Can you provide me with AdwCleaner's debug logfile ? Just run AdwCleaner, click on "Options" then "Activate debug mode".
Try running the scan. Even if it does not complete, you should have a file called "AdwCleaner_dbg_xxxx.txt" inside C:\AdwCleaner.
Please post its content in your next reply.
Moreover, do you have this issue only on W10 64b ? Did you try with other versions ?