There is no COMError.log file at that location.
There is no COMError.log file at that location.
Hi again,
Sorry I put the wrong path into the code, can you run this version : http://sd-1.archive-host.com/membres/up/17959594961240255/AdwCleaner_DBG.exe
Just run a scan, after that you should have the file "COMError.log" at C:\AdwCleaner
There is no COMError.log file at that location.
In fact there is an error with a COM module that your computer doesn't seem to have / find. Instead of making the program crashes when it can't find this module, I just bypass it and the scan can complete.
Moreover, you should have a file called "COMError.log" located at C:\AdwCleaner, can you post it's content ?
well after I double click the file nothing comes up. If it should behave like as you mention it, then it hasn't created a new log file, its the same as I posted earlier.
well after I double click the file nothing comes up. If it should behave like as you mention it, then it hasn't created a new log file, its the same as I posted earlier.
well after I double click the file nothing comes up. If it should behave like as you mention it, then it hasn't created a new log file, its the same as I posted earlier.
well after I double click the file nothing comes up. If it should behave like as you mention it, then it hasn't created a new log file, its the same as I posted earlier.
Ok, can you run this file and tell me what happens ? http://sd-1.archive-host.com/membres/up/17959594961240255/Debug2.exe
bonjour, effectivement je devais avoir le mauvais lien ds le presse papier :( voici le rapport de RogKiller
je lance adw et je rajoute le lien du rapport
Tout propre :) https://up2sha.re/file?f=RgouqHEK7Xmd
Y at-il dessus des choses a eliminer ou mettre a jour?
bonne journée et merci!