WindowsUpdateFixer 2.1.2-portable Release
WindowsUpdateFixer 2.1.2 Release

Note from the developer: this tool will be updated soon again. In the meanwhile, join our Discord server! Click here:

This tool will try to fix Windows Update when Windows Update isn't working or fails at installing updates, etc. Also, WindowsUpdateFixer is extremely fast and easy to use. INFO: This tool requires to be run as an administrator as this tool will need to stop some services, etc.

Small note: to download the portable versions of WindowsUpdateFixer, select those versions that end with "-portable"!

System Requirements:

Windows XP or later

.NET Framework 4


Downloads 71,797
Weekly downloads 176
Publisher Zerobyte Developments
By HxgnDev
Created on 16 April 2016
Last update 27 May 2016
Category Utilities
Operating system Windows

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