
on AdwCleaner's page

from blymp, (19 september 2016)

Bonjour, depuis la version 6.020, 8 nouvelles menaces sont apparues.
Elles concernent toute le logiciel AVSVideoEdito.
Clé HKLM/Classes/AVSAsyncBuffer.*
Faux positif ?


on AdwCleaner's page

from RREHH, (17 september 2016)

Apologies a reboot which took a lot longer than usual appears to have unblocked adwcleaner. Perhaps Windows 10 had not fully cleared its update process previously. Adwcleaner is now working as it should.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (08 september 2016)

Bonsoir, quand je fais Exécuter en tant qu'administrateur sur l'icone, le sablier apparait 1s. puis plus rien et rien ne se passe, le logiciel ne s'ouvre pas. Pas de service lancé en visu dans le gestionnaire de tache. Cela arrive depuis la version 5.2, idem sur la version 6.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (03 september 2016)

Depuis la version 5.2, et donc avec la version 6, adwcleaner ne fonctionne plus sur mon PC qui est sous windows Vista editions familiale. Quelqu'un aurait-il une astuce pour le faire fonctionner ? Ai tout essayé : exécuter en tant qu'administrateur, sans, en mode sans échec avec réseau, mode sans échec sans mode réseau. Ai passé d'autres logiciels qui ne détecte rien mais comme celui-ci est le plus efficace et j'aimerai comprendre pourquoi cela ne fonctionne plus


on AdwCleaner's page

from GEGEPING, (19 august 2016)

Plein de faux positifs surement car non nettoyés au reboot avec cette nouvelle version.

La précédente version ne montrait rien.

Attendons une prochaine MAJ de la database ou du logiciel?

En tout cas, il m'a bien aidé, donc soyons indulgent pour la résolution du pb.


on AdwCleaner's page

from cocochepeau, (16 august 2016)


About process killed during cleaning. It will be fixed in the next release.
Concerning elements that are not deleted, can you please describe your problem by sharing logfiles using our forum ( ?



on AdwCleaner's page

from mikki111, (14 august 2016)

A window dialog popped out, title: "AutoIt Error". Shows an error icon and an OK button, and it says:
"Line 10549 (File "С:\AdwCleaner 6.000.exe"):
Error: Variable used without being declared."
When "OK" button clicked, the main window "AdwCleaner - v6.000 - ToolsLib" just closed, in other words AdwCleeaner.exe suddenly killed with hundreds threats left uncleaned.
I wonder it getting fixed on the next version, thank you.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Aqli, (14 august 2016)

A window dialog popped out, title: "AutoIt Error". Shows an error icon and an OK button, and it says:
"Line 10570 (File "D:\AdwCleaner.exe"):
Error: Variable used without being declared."
When "OK" button clicked, the main window "AdwCleaner - v6.000 - ToolsLib" just closed, in other words AdwCleeaner.exe suddenly killed with hundreds threats left uncleaned.
I wonder it getting fixed on the next version, thank you.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (01 july 2016)

divert1.1 win 8.1
empresa gás tecnologia.internet banking.
c:\program files\diebold\warsaw\windivert64.sys
banco brasil


on Pre_Scan's page

from Suukog, (29 may 2016)

Thank you very much for this masterpiece of software. i was infected by some kind of zeroaccess. not the original one. the one i have is not to detect with "normal" and promoted methods like tdss killer and similar. i did many research and from the traces i found, i conclude it might be zeroaccess. no one was able to help me until now. not even so called "experts". everyone told me i didnt have any issue. then i ran your program. the log showed anything suspicious i found over the last months. and it directley fixed it. restarting the machine and.. everything gone. i still can not believe it. your a genius man. the only one who could help me. you can be proud of yourself. thank you very much. greetings andi.