donaldogutierrez1957: como se baja y como se instala y donde o en que parte de computador el AdwCleaner .gracias agradezco su ayuda porque tengo ese en mi computador.
QuickDiag v1.12.02.1 download page does not show up in English, only French.
Adwcleaner is detecting speedbit video downloader as a malware. This makes it difficult in cleaning other malwares as some of the links might be related to speedbit video downloader. could you check this link and solve the problem ( Thank you
Les Explico Como Usarlo:
En La Lista Debe Decir Escanear, Limpiar, Reporte y Desinstalar, Solamente Se Puede Seleccionar Escanear, Cuando El Escaneo Esté Completo Se Desbloquearán Otras Opciones, La Que Más Sirve Es Limpiar. AdwCleaner Pedirá Reiniciar El Computador, Cuando Se Vuelva A Prender Saldrá Una Lista De Lo Que Hiciste Y Lo Que Se Borró, Luego Tu Computador Quedará Limpio
Je l'utilise avec XP Pro et depuis quelques versions maintenant, je ne suis plus averti qu'il y a une nouvelle version disponible, de sorte que je dois vérifier moi-même sur le site. Pourquoi ?
Merci !
For those complaining about XP compatibility, I'm a XP Pro user and I can confirm AdwCleaner is fully compatible with XP. Like everybody though, I have had trouble with version 4, but it has been fixed. The latest 4.103, however, shows a little progress bar for loading the database right before opening the program. It also takes a little too long for the scan to run. Other than that, it works.
By the way, why aren't we getting prompted to install the latest version anymore?
And, I really miss when the program would update without having to download a new .exe file.
bouhahhhhha toujours pas de description des mises à jour ?
There is a file v3DDNetService.exe located in C:\Windows\System32. This file is used by SpeceDesk, see .
Could you please remove this fle from your list of malware?
Google vous a blacklisté, en effet au téléchargement de Adwcleaner, google chrome dit:
"adwcleaner peut nuire à votre confort de navigation, il a donc été bloqué par chrome"...
Comment peut on bypasser cette interdiction?
@cocochepeau said about 23 hours ago: administrator
@Bob2014 AdwCleaner supports WinXP. :
..not in my case, i have windows xp serv pack 3 pro ed and when i launch adwcleaner.exe
i only get a pop up windows saying:
error line 2057
Variable must be of type "Object"
the last vers that works fine on my pc, windows xp, is 3.311
with the new vers 4 i always get that error just after launching adwcleaner.exe
pls help me and all of windows's xp users