
on AdwCleaner's page

from ToniDolphin, (04 july 2016)

Hi there, I check myself for updates and wonder how I can turn off email notifications of new AdwCleaner updates?


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (28 june 2016)

The best!!! Thanks you AdwCleaner.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ambo, (26 june 2016)

Would it be possible to whitelist the anydesk.exe process or service when it does the clean? Anydesk is a remote access software and adwcleaner kills the process or installed service when doing a cleanup.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (14 june 2016)

i hope this is ligit. looks ligit. i get fake blue screen scams sometimes and usually end task and close the browser fixes it. but recently its getting more frequent and annoying so i downloaded this software. didn't find any malware but i'll keep scanning periodically to see if it catches anything.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (24 may 2016)

Ich war genervt durch das Ständige sich selbst öffnen von Werbefenstern. Außerdem mußte ich immer aufpassen, dass ich nicht zufällig über markierte Wörter mit dem Mauszeiger fuhr, direkt wurde irgendeine Werbung eingeblendet. Anfangs dachte ich, dass muß so sein, weil ich diese Werbefenster immer auf den gleichen Finanz-Nachrichtenseiten hatte. Mit dem ADW Cleaner sind diese Probleme beseitigt. Die Prozedur ging schnell und einfach von statten. Nun hoffe ich, dass das Ergebnis nachhaltig ist.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ahmad, (24 may 2016)

ko ngga bisa download


on ClearLNK's page

from badnaruto, (21 may 2016)

Thank you


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (19 may 2016)

I had been unable to delete the error message "File not found \ Search Extensions\Client.exe" after booting windows. ADW Cleaner worked.


on AdwCleaner's page

from badnaruto, (12 may 2016)

The problem remains< Hao169 malware still changes the default page back to through the shortcut manipulation< i tried every malware tool even spyhunter and it didn't work.
i searched the internet for a solution and i have found non.
the cause of this malware is this application:
i hope the developer of this app can study it.