Re: Remove botton

Hi, thanks. Unfortunately this option is still not working, even launching it from Downloads folder :(

Re: vers 7.0


As I said (many many times) AdwCleaner v7.1 is still being developed actively. Unfortunately it took some time (longer than we expected) but it's almost ready.

I'm closing this one. Feel free to open a new thread if you have more questions.

Re: Glasswire


Unfortunately I'm pretty sure you can't do that yet with GlassWire.


[Solved] Eliminar "newcpuspeedcheck" virus [ESP /// ENG] Delete virus "newcpuspeedcheck"

"newcpuspeed", "newcpuspeedcheck" y "cpufix.exe" es el nombre del nuevo virus que infecta nuestras memorias USB y nuestra computadora.

Se tiene investigado que el virus empezó a infectar las computadoras desde Junio del 2017. El virus infecta al USB creando un acceso directo llamado "Downloads" y una carpeta invisible llamada "newcpuspeedcheck". Dentro de dicha carpeta, contiene los siguientes...

Re: Version 7 FPs (262 elements)

Unfortunately still not fixed here in Australia. Still finding many entries by Spyware Blaster. After I ran Adwcleaner 7 I checked with Spyware Blaster and it reported many items without protection. Then AdwCleaner wanted to remove them again.  Previous Adwcleaner finds nothing.  

Why hasnt it been fixed for us over here?

Re: AdwCleaner signature


Microsoft Edge is the web browser I used to try to download AdwCleaner multiple times.

I do not actually know how to attach screenshots here, unfortunately.

I've also tried to download it in Google Chrome, but it says that "This app has been blocked for your protection."



Re: After install Torch browser from the official page adwcleaner detects malware 18

Glad you solved the issue. Torch browser, unfortunately, is malware. It is what you would call Bundleware or PUP (Potentially unwanted program), usually bundled with other more used software as part to generate more file downloads and installs. In the future always select advanced or expert options when installing, usually, they are hidden after that one checkmark. Additionally, you can do regu...

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hi, ok I delete frst.exe and generated logs from A_Laptop. It is a miracle that all is ok here after 5 years. Great. B-Desktop: I am able to boot for a month with Comodo installed without problems. To be sure I would have to unistall CIS for *at least* one month (better two) to see if the hang happens even without CIS. Perhaps we could leave this misterious issue unresolved, after all - if this...

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hello dear fr33tux,

taa taratàtta taaaaaa (I-II-III C trumpets)

pim popopìm pom p'rrrrrrrr (kettledrums in G-C)

You will understand the reason for this Fanfare by looking at the following report (after the....11th pass!) for B_Desktop:

No words, music only! :D 

[ If there were a portable (!) USB version for Windows I could do a further t...

Re: adwcleaner, same 6 threats, all from chrome


If you confirm that uninstalling/reinstall Chrome stable doesn't fix the issue, it's likely that the Chrome synchronization must be stopped in order to fully clean the browser. Unfortunately, there's no automatic step that can be done for that..

Best regards,