AdwCleaner - False detection?

# AdwCleaner v6.042 - Logfile created 23/01/2017 at 17:52:10
# Updated on 06/01/2017 by Malwarebytes
# Database : 2017-01-23.1 [Server]
# Operating System : Windows 10 Home  (X64)
# Mode: Scan
# Support :

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found.

***** [ Folders ] *****

No malicious folders found.

***** [ Files ] *****

No malicious fil...

Re: AdwCleaner "stopped working"

Hello again,

Updating the feedback.

This time I did some experimenting, and got a result: I didn't first have the debug on when cleaning the "uncleanable" folders, but now I created the same folders exactly in the same paths they were (empty ofc) and started scanning. After it scanned, it found those same folders as a threat. I clicked clean, and a few moments later, it "Stopped responding". ...

Re: AdwCleaner "stopped working"

Good morning,

Sadly after I manually cleaned the folders that the AdwCleaner coulden't clean, the pc "seems" clean for it, but I have my suspicions, because no program can clean a pc Completly. I will check if i had set debug on when i started cleaning before disableing the folder cleaning. 


Re: AdwCleaner "stopped working"


My AdwCleaner log, found many issues, but the folders are listed, which I had to remove manually, because it always crashed once it started cleaning them.


Re: AdwCleaner "stopped working"


First of all, thanks for your feedback.

You did nothing wrong. It would just have been easier with a debug logfile but we can still try to understand what was the issue.

Can you please share the scan logfile showing the folders that you cleaned manually?


Re: AdwCleaner "stopped working"

UPDATE: It seems that when I deselected the folders, it continued to clean perfectly. Sadly I didn't run the crashing point with debug on, and cleaned the folders manually. Was my action correct or I did something bad?

AdwCleaner "stopped working"

When I ran the AdwCleaner, it scanned everything and found some problems. I clicked "Clean" and it said that all programs must be closed for it to run as safely as possible. When it was running and stopping programs while cleaning folders, files etc, at one point, it just "Stopped responding" for quite awhile. Should I wait even longer?

Re: ADWCleaner *again* deleted a folder it shouldn't


Thanks for your feedback.

Can you share the full cleaning logfile showing this result?


ADWCleaner *again* deleted a folder it shouldn't

As with this thread,

ADWCleaner is at it again. have a SERIOUS bug in this arena. I just spent a day helping a friend find his missing folder of valuable bird photos.

ADWcleaner removed them: from the three log files...

[-] Folder deleted: C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Birds

From his perspective: 1.5GB, 2000+ valuable bird photos including several weeks of work, all gone.


Re: ADWCleaner deleted a folder it shouldn't

Greetings MrPete,

Can you please create a separated thread by following this link: It should be easier for us.
