Thanks for your help. It should be fixed with the latest definitions.
Best regards,
Thanks for your help. It should be fixed with the latest definitions.
Best regards,
I am using adwcleaner for years now and I am very happy with it. I use it to clean computers on remote using logmeIn Rescue. But after the update in August I can;t connect anymore after a reboot of the computer. By testing it on another computer I saw that after the first reboot logmein won't start up but after a second reboot it comes back and I have full control again. So it seems ...
Great, thank you again.
Thanks for the debug log. I'm working on it, and keep you informed asap (48-72 hours).
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Thank you for taking the time to work with me on this. It is greatly appreciated.
In the debug log I see SimpleService.exe as a service being killed with no whitelist line under it but it appears that file isn't actually the file that keeps the remote session active anyways.
I manually killed the SimpleService.exe service and the remote session stays active with no problems.
Please see scree...
Also, if you still have the software killed, please share the debug log from AdwCleaner:
Best regards,
Thank you.
I see the datbase date is in-fact 2016-09-03.2
I will perform some testing on multiple computers in multiple locations and get back with you.
Thank you
the change is effective with the definitions updates (automatically done at the beginning of a scan if you have an active network connection). You can copy/paste the logfile in your answer if you're unsure about which definitions you have).
For the donation, you can refer to this page: https://toolslib.net/donate/ If you have any question, just ask.
Best regards,
Thank you, but unforunately, the date of the last changelog still says 24/08/16 with version v6.010 - and the most current version to download right now is v6.010 :(
Just downloaded v6.010 and it still kills SimpleService.exe
Where can I make a donation to ADWcleaner?
Thank you,
Please advise.
Thanks, I've made some tests and the software should not be killed anymore (effective in a few minutes).
Best regards,