Can you share AdwCleaner logfiles ?
You can get them from C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleanerC[xx].txt and C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleanerS[xx].txt
Please host them on https://up2sha.re/ and copy/paste the generated links here.
Can you share AdwCleaner logfiles ?
You can get them from C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleanerC[xx].txt and C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleanerS[xx].txt
Please host them on https://up2sha.re/ and copy/paste the generated links here.
What does this mean? I don't wish to remove/delete it as it sounds ominous.
I'm under the impression my machine has a virus. Less than 30 minutes ago, windows were opening and closing themselves simultaneously to the point of me rebooting.
C'est tout bon, vous pouvez lancer le nettoyage.
# AdwCleaner v6.030 - Rapport créé le 01/12/2016 à 22:15:14 # Mis à jour le 19/10/2016 par Malwarebytes # Base de données : 2016-12-01.1 [Serveur] # Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Home (X64) # Nom d'utilisateur : client - MARIETTE # Exécuté depuis : C:\Users\client\Downloads\adwcleaner_6.030.exe # Mode: Scan # Support : https://www.malwarebytes.com/support
***** [ Services ] *****
I use Auslogics Disk Defrag Pro many yrs too and now these results show up.
I think that this results are false positive.
Auslogics Disk Defrag Pro comes with PUP too?
d# AdwCleaner v6.030 - Logfile created 01/12/2016 at 21:15:37 # Updated on 19/10/2016 by Malwarebytes # Database : 2016-12-01.1 [Server] # Operating System : Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (X64) # Username : Dax&Tomi - VEVE...
TryMedia est classé PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program ou PPI / programmes potentiellement indésirables en français). Une description précise est disponible à cette adresse : https://www.nicolascoolman.com/fr/adware-trymedia/
Concernant le fait "qu'il revient sans cesse", pouvez-vous me partager un rapport de scan et/ou nettoyage incriminant TryMedia ? Nous pourrons peut-être trouver ...
I've used Wise Care 365 for a long time, and now adware cleaner detects me two program registry keys as threats. Are they false positives or are they really threats? Thanks in advance for your clarification.
Hello, For the past month, each time I use adwcleaner, I get what look like identical threats. All in this directory: C:\Users\ME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default. Why is this happening? Thanks, Steve