Re: AdwCleaner Will Not Run on Win XP Computer


This bug should be fixed in v5.031.


Xplode, 2016-01-25 17:02:42 (UTC)


In 5.031 i have same bug (app dont start with 0x000211de code)

Re: AdwCleaner Will Not Run on Win XP Computer

Same problem here, when I first had this problem, solution was to rename program to adwcleaner.exe, then it started failing again and solution was to put it on a short path (ie: C:\UT\adwcleaner.exe ), but last to versions refuse to start at all giving same application error as before: Instruction "0x004211de" references memory in "0x0204e000". Memory can't be "read".

Tried it in three differe...

Re: Désinstallation de MPC Cleaner

Rebonjour Chapi,

Petit complément à mon message précédent.

En consultant le site BleepinComputer à la page Blitzblank, je remarque ceci au bas des exemples :

Note 2: Every command requires the path to the object you wish to delete or backup to be listed on the next line after the command. For all "Move" commands, the source and target paths should be listed on the same line separated by a sp...

Re: adwcleaner_5.029 can not identify and delete

Still have same problem.

I see that you update adwcleaner at 5.030 version but still no escape from redirect to newpoptab.

Today I will try to reinstall firefox; if the adware will disappear, I will inform you.


Re: ramnit virus

Hi, yes I downloaded the latest ADWcleaner 5.03 and could not open it...  it said it was open already, but it was I thought this was suspect and I ran a scan of the exe file with reason core security which told me that there was a ramnit virus ... I used the free edition of that program so unless I paid I could not get rid of the virus...   So deleted the exe file manually...Then I tri...

ramnit virus

downloaded the latest adw,  problem with a virus in the exe..  ramnit virus detected by ....  reason core security.. brrrr...  then downloaded

the exe on my external backup disk and ran the scan again...  same result ... as the virus was already in my system,  ran my recent backup.. virus gone

Re: adwcleaner_5.029 can not identify and delete


Can you share the whole folder this time ? The extension seems to be located somewhere else.. :

  • Open the same folder
  • Select all -> send-to "compressed folder"
  • Host the zipped file on


Re: Je n'ai pas la connexion internet en démarrant l'ordinateur le matin


Une fois la configuration de la carte appliquée :

Pouvez-vous me refaire cette manipulation ?


fr33tux, 2016-01-12 23:45:04 (UTC)

En cas de besoin pour annuler ces modifications, il vous suffit de faire la démarche inverse (décocher "Utiliser l'adresse IP suivante" et cocher "Obtenir une adresse IP dynamique").

Je commence à voir peur de faire les manipulations vu que j'...

Re: Je n'ai pas la connexion internet en démarrant l'ordinateur le matin


J'ai effectué les manoeuvres que vous m'avez dites mais cela n'a rien changé. J'avais validé et faire Ok et redemarrer.  Je viens de regarder dans réseau et la coche validé n'est pas resté cocher. Ce matin l'ordinateur n'avait pas l'internet comme tous les autres matins. Il a fallu que je le redémarre pour que j'aie l'internet.

Je commence à voir peur de faire les manipulations vu qu...


Hello, I have the same error. I run the debug version of the adwcleaner and the file Processes.txt created under C has:

104| [System Process]|0 System|4 smss.exe|400 csrss.exe|644 wininit.exe|768 csrss.exe|780 services.exe|840 lsass.exe|868 winlogon.exe|964 svchost.exe|1020 svchost.exe|372 dwm.exe|744 svchost.exe|836 svchost.exe|252 atiesrxx.exe|1080 atieclxx.exe|1232 svchost.exe|1272 svchost....