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de Hash, (05 février 2017)

Good day all,

I just have a question to specialists, why the AdwCleaner software consider Auslogics BoostSpeed 9 as a malware and asking me to remove it from PC, even though WebRoot Security Anyware gives me no thing??
Thank you


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de crimsonrchangel, (01 février 2017)

I am having a most difficult time trying to figure out how to get the text to show up on AdwCleaner, especially in the options and maybe under the pictures on the main Adwcleaner page as no files or any other options are seen. and I believe the other was the Anti-Rootkit where the text only showed up what it was testing and then the 6 red PUPs found and then i could see the file but it was hit and miss on which buttons to press and missed the restart now closing it out and having to self reboot the computer.
Is there an option with windows 10 that I have to click on to help me see these texts?
I have a screen shot as I had seen an admin ask someone to post one earlier on another post i read, but i do not know how to post it into this comment other than I will try to drag and drop it into it before posting.

that did not work, it just made my Jpeg fill my screen with no writing and no post button


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de Joenewbie, (24 novembre 2016)

I just joined to tell ALL OTHERS out there having issues that this program 100% free 100% working, none of this scan and tell but won't fix until you buy. It ran a scan found 177 problems after reboot I printed out my 13 page report and WOW. It's fixed my problems and got rid of some really bad bugs. I am not kidding 100% free 100% working -THANK YOU


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de Rafael Vril, (28 octobre 2016)

Sooo Amazing program!!! I lost my dreams in my pc (Win8.1 Pro -- 64x) I had lost all connection to Internet, since I install a program from a dubious site, this destroyed me all forms of internet connection, I was already thinking of reformatting your pc, when I remembered that one day had gone down version adwcleaner 6010 and thought... why not?, and woooooooooow !!! 445 found strange things in my pc, and more a thing called iSafeKrnlboot, the kidnapping my entire PC. Now I m here, giving testimony for SUPER AMAZING PROGRAM ADWCLEANER


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de Komeni, (30 septembre 2016)

I am so mad right now. I was working on a couple of documents while running adwcleaner scan. Toolslib developers, is it so hard to ask the user what is about to happen and await confirmation before closing all apps WITHOUT giving a chance for the user to save?! Not to mention the automatic reboot! Can't beleive this


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de Prithelp, (20 septembre 2016)

Good afternoon,
Downloaded version 6.020, shut all other programmes, ran adwcleaner "scan" then selected "clean" but it stopped responding on "clean files". Shut programme using Task Manager.
Repeated process, same result.
Rebooted and repeated process. Same result.
Windows Vista. Any ideas?


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de RREHH, (17 septembre 2016)

Apologies a reboot which took a lot longer than usual appears to have unblocked adwcleaner. Perhaps Windows 10 had not fully cleared its update process previously. Adwcleaner is now working as it should.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de GEGEPING, (19 août 2016)

Plein de faux positifs surement car non nettoyés au reboot avec cette nouvelle version.

La précédente version ne montrait rien.

Attendons une prochaine MAJ de la database ou du logiciel?

En tout cas, il m'a bien aidé, donc soyons indulgent pour la résolution du pb.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de langere, (15 août 2016)

Version 6.0. After scanning, Adwcleaner finds in the Chrome tab: Value: "startup_url" and data "hxxp://". Although I select the Clean button, this value and data remain after the cleaning process and reboot.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de ****, (14 août 2016)

Hmm… Not nice. AdwCleaner 6.000 found registry keys:

and sure cleaned them out.

After reboot I looked up what a heck those keys was about and found they are all FloXpress utility in SolidWorks 2014. I’m using this program last 2 years and never had any problems with program nor viruses. Now SolidWorks crashes when starting FloXpress… So sad…

Check everything before you cleaning with AdwCleaner 6.000 !