Re: Win10PESE startup


Since you're booting from a DVD, the 5 minutes boot time seems reasonable. When you boot from this kind of support/device, a lot of things are loaded in the RAM itself. It also depends on the max speed provided by your disk reader.

Are you suggesting I boot from the ISO itself on disk? If so, I don't know how to do that.

JW01, 2017-08-16 14:20:15 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure it isn't doable...

Re: Win10PESE startup

Thanks for your reply.

Not sure I understand the relevance of  HDD speed. And anyway my disk boot times are OK. Also I don't have a WinXP ISO but a Windows XP system. And no VM is involved.

Maybe I wasn't clear.

I have a Windows XP system and two 8TB disk drives which XP doesn't support. To solve this problem I got the Win10PESE ISO from ToolsLib, burned it to DVD and booted from that DVD (w...

Re: Win10PESE startup

It all depends on the rig. HDD's are not known to be the fastest at boot times, especially if the system is Windows XP, quite a legacy system right now. Not really sure. If you PC specs are good, then you shouldn't have such long boot times, unless your HDD's are really slow. Did you notice anything else during the boot? Is your WinXP iso image clean? If you got it from a third party, I wouldn'...

Win10PESE startup

I burned the ISO yesterday to enable me to access two 8TB drives that I had just bought for my offline Windows XP system, and it worked perfectly.

However, I was concerned about how long it took from selecting DVD boot to seeing the desktop: 5 minutes 20 seconds!

Is there anything that can be done to reduce this to a reasonable level?

infected by reimage plus & pc optimizer pro, please disinfect windows 10 A.S.A.P.


i have some problems, and i'm 27 years old man,


i have some problems with my 2 computers and my external disks,

my configuration: pc 1: compaq desktop pc by hewlett packard, win 10 x64 upgraded from win 8 pc 2: Win 7 Starter Edition x32 Acer Aspire One laptop

Antivirus/firewall suite installed: pc 1: ad-aware total security pc 2: comodo internet security complete

then,: ---------...

USB File Resc - Error 1x001100 Error Inesperado

¿Qué debo hacer cuando USB File Resc marca el Error Inesperado 1x001100?

What should I do when USB File Resc marks the Unexpected Error 1x001100?

USB File Resc - Preview Error Inesperado

¿Qué es el Error Inesperado 1x001100?

El Error Inesperado 1x001100 dice que; los accesos directos siguen en tu Disco Extraíble y USB File Resc intentó eliminarlos varias veces sin éxito.

What is the Unexpected Error 1x001100?

The Unexpected ...

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Merci de bien vouloir m'indiquer les raisons qui vous empêchent de répondre à mes commentaires qui vous indiquent certaines anomalies comme celle de ne jamais  y répondre

Re: pourquoi supprimer wise registry cleaner ?

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux



Nous avions un logiciel très simple et efficace, nous aurons peut-être bientôt à faire le tri des positifs nuisibles et des utiles ce qui enlevera tout intérêt à adwcleaner : c'est bien dommage.

anasecu, 2017-04-01 17:03:41 (UTC)

La version 7 qui sortira sous peu vous permettra de gérer plus facilement les éléments que vous souhaitez garder. Cependant, gardez bien à l'esprit que ...

Téléchargement de ADWCLEANER

dans AdwCleaner par myalysee

Bonsoir à tous

Pouvez-vous me dire pour quelle raison le téléchargement de ce logiciel ne reste pas s'il vous plaît ?

Il faut que je refasse la même opération à chaque fois que je veux analyser. Il n'apparaît pas ni dans 'PROGRAMMES', ni dans 'PANNEAU DE CONFIGURATION', pouvez-vous me donner la raison ? Merci à vous.


Re: Service trouvé: esgiguard ?


Tout d'abord, désolé pour le temps d'attente. Nous faisons notre possible !

Pouvez-vous dans un premier temps me patrager le rapport d'analyse d'AdwCleaner en entier ? Il devrait se trouver dans C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[Sxxx].txt

Merci !