What is Rkill and how to use it

Rkill is a program designed to terminate malicious processes running on a Windows computer. It was created by a security software company called BleepingComputer. Rkill is primarily used as a preliminary step in the process of removing malware from an infected system.

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AdwCleaner rejoint Malwarebytes

Comme certain d'entre vous l'auront peut-être déjà remarqué depuis quelques heures, nous sommes fiers d'annoncer qu'AdwCleaner fait désormais partie de la famille Malwarebytes.

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A quick look at a Russian AdwCleaner fake website

par fr33tux
I have been warned about a potentially malicious website which was distributing AdwCleaner in a archive, along with other software. I was quite intrigued so I decided to take a look.

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Bleeping Computer vs Enigma Software Group USA

par fr33tux
Due to a negative review of Spyhunter by one of its member, BleepingComputer is facing lawsuit with Enigma Software, Spyhunter editor. By solidarity, we publish this blogpost. It contains the lawsuit, a screenshot of the Bleeping Computer call to help and the concerned review of SpyHunter.

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