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de billyroberts, (05 mai 2022)

Extended time for assignments and tests
Depending on the circumstances, teachers may allow students to take more time on their assignments or tests. An example of this would be if a teacher allows a student three extra days to complete an assignment. However, extended time does not mean that a student may not have to complete the assignment or test within the allotted time. Visit for more details.The student must still attend class and take part in the discussion. This is because a student's disability may make it more difficult to complete the task on time.


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de Klais, (02 mai 2022)

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de ColinDuncan, (24 avril 2022)

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de arnoldpalmer, (23 avril 2022)

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de competitorlast, (18 avril 2022)

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de rotatingsuffix, (18 avril 2022)

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de geekshelp1, (16 avril 2022)

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de jassonroy, (22 mars 2022)

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sur la page de WBC - Windows Cleaner & Booster

de JazzyExpert, (01 mars 2022)

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