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de Psajko, (13 février 2015)

Is developer going to do something about false positives ?
Right now,this tool is dangerous and could leave users with broken apps and addons.


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de Me1, (10 février 2015)

@anonsubmitter, yes you are right. But, most free software downloaded on the Web come bundled up with useless crapware anyway. The YTD downloader box, if you don't want the app, can easily be unchecked while installing your main program. Unckeck all boxes for programs unrelated to the main program. If you need YTD or Hotspot Shield, they have a website where you can get them. No need to be bundled up to anything. They are already very popular. They both can be uninstalled very easily from Programs & Features, so they should not be removed by AdwCleaner. Removing Hotspot Shield this way messes up the Internet connection.

For those who don't usually pay attention while installing software, a program like Unchecky could be very useful. That way, you won't be flooding the malware removal forums all over the Web.


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de HappyGoat, (29 janvier 2015)

It's a very useful tool - thank you!

I have a feature request: Check box setting to go straight to reboot after cleaning. :)


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de ****, (24 janvier 2015)

cocochepeau, thanks a lot for the clarification, and also for this very useful tool!


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de ****, (23 janvier 2015)

For People Who Think Everything Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware is really virus..
Wake up Pls..There are a lot of False Positives..This is one of them..If u Look on youtube for Adwcleaner There are a lot of videos teaching how to use it..Showing this specific website to download.


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de assistekinfo, (21 janvier 2015)

New Malware
Name: Searchult
Action: Change home page of Firefox/Chrome
Location: %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Macwebtoise

*Need to close explorer.exe to disinfect


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de assistekinfo, (16 janvier 2015)

please add NJAX malware removal on your software, he's blocking youtube access in firefox/chrome, thanks


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de Fabrice, (14 janvier 2015)

@jeangabill a dit il y a environ 11 jours:
Bonjour et bonne année
Pour répondre à Fabrice, lorsque vous utilisez Internet Exploreur avec la page d'accueil Orange par exemple, si vous voulez naviguer avec Google, vous n'avez d'autre choix que d'installer Google toolbar. Elle est très sure.

Pour google Chrome, il te faut juste faire afficher ta barre des favoris, donc pas besoin de toolbar ;-)


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de tonypl6, (13 janvier 2015)

@fr33tux: Thank you, I've tested, everything is alright! Expect a donation to ToolsLib soon enough. Thank you!