
sur la page de AdwCleaner

de cocochepeau, (20 janvier 2015)

@merida72 It's a false positive. AdwCleaner do not come with viruses.
@keepon You can uninstall AdwCleaner thanks to his uninstall button available from his interface (just launch AdwCleaner, you'll see it).
@tonypl6 Thank you!


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de p060477, (27 novembre 2014)

@cocochepeau said about 23 hours ago: administrator

@Bob2014 AdwCleaner supports WinXP. :

..not in my case, i have windows xp serv pack 3 pro ed and when i launch adwcleaner.exe
i only get a pop up windows saying:
error line 2057
Variable must be of type "Object"

the last vers that works fine on my pc, windows xp, is 3.311
with the new vers 4 i always get that error just after launching adwcleaner.exe

pls help me and all of windows's xp users



sur la page de AdwCleaner

de e-miel, (08 novembre 2014)

AdwCleaner a bien supprimé OfferBox de mon PC (merci beaucoup) mais n’a pas rétabli les paramètres de connexion à internet : OfferBox s'était mis en serveur proxy dans le navigateur Internet Explorer (donc aussi dans Firefox qui reprend les paramètres d'Internet Explorer) donc je n'avais plus de connexion à internet après avoir exécuté AdwCleaner.

AdwCleaner a aussi voulu supprimer ces 3 raccourcis (j'ai évidemment refusé) :
- C:\Users\PC\Desktop\CIC.lnk
- C:\Users\PC\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\CIC.lnk
- C:\Users\PC\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\CIC.lnk

Pour info, les 3 raccourcis CIC.lnk contiennent :
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\sllauncher.exe"

Merci pour votre investissement dans ce formidable outil qu'est AdwCleaner, bonne continuation.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de ****, (24 octobre 2014)

Since adwcleaner has been updated to 4.0+, I've been having trouble with getting disconnect via Log Me in Rescue in SMWN.

It scans and completes ok, but disconnects when the dialog box regarding "If you have been brought to use adwcleaner.....".

It doesn't happen on every PC, but more of them then not (75%) and it's really causing hiccups in my support. Can this be looked into.

Furthermore, are there any command line switches available for adwcleaner. I'd like to be able to launch it, have it scan, and reboot with no user interaction whatsover.

Let me know on either issue. Thanks!

No One


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de ****, (02 septembre 2014)

Also cannot download as Norton blocks and removes it. Here is copy of Norton details:

Filename: adwcleaner[1].exe
Threat name: Trojan.Gen.SMH
Full Path: c:\users\admin\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\content.ie5\0xz70k18\adwcleaner[1].exe
Unknown Community Usage,  Unknown Age,  Risk High

Downloaded from

Actions performed: Actions performed: 1
On computers as of 
9/2/2014 at 8:45:45 AM
Last Used 
9/2/2014 at 9:49:52 AM
Startup Item 
It is unknown how many users in the Norton Community have used this file.
This file release is currently not known.
This file risk is high.
Threat type: Virus. Programs that infect other programs, files, or areas of a computer by inserting themselves or attaching themselves to that medium.
Downloaded File adwcleaner[1].exe Threat name: Trojan.Gen.SMH
Source: External Media
File Actions
File: c:\Users\ADMIN\AppData\Local\microsoft\Windows\temporary internet files\Content.IE5\0XZ70K18\ adwcleaner[1].exe Removed
File Thumbprint - SHA:
File Thumbprint - MD5:
Not available


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de GG84, (03 juillet 2014)


Est t'il prévu de pouvoir lancer AdwCleaner en ligne de commande ? Par exemple, "adwcleaner.exe /scan -remove" lancerait un scan des fichiers malveillants, puis les supprimeraient, tout cela en arrière plan avec peut être un log directement dans la console (par ex: "Scanning folders... Done!" etc.)



Are there any plans you can launch AdwCleaner in command line? For example, "adwcleaner.exe / scan -remove" will launch a scan of malicious files and then would remove all, in the background. With maybe a log directly into the console (eg "Scanning folders ... Done!" etc.)

Thanks a lot.