
sur la page de AdwCleaner

de crimsonrchangel, (01 février 2017)

I am having a most difficult time trying to figure out how to get the text to show up on AdwCleaner, especially in the options and maybe under the pictures on the main Adwcleaner page as no files or any other options are seen. and I believe the other was the Anti-Rootkit where the text only showed up what it was testing and then the 6 red PUPs found and then i could see the file but it was hit and miss on which buttons to press and missed the restart now closing it out and having to self reboot the computer.
Is there an option with windows 10 that I have to click on to help me see these texts?
I have a screen shot as I had seen an admin ask someone to post one earlier on another post i read, but i do not know how to post it into this comment other than I will try to drag and drop it into it before posting.

that did not work, it just made my Jpeg fill my screen with no writing and no post button


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de bjprice, (17 août 2016)

In re: version 6 Didn't scan Firefox (or perhaps scanned it but found nothing) but there is no Firefox tab. 5.x versions showed Chrome and Firefox tabs even if they had no content. (Firefox was running while the scan was running.)

Can't grab the edge of adwcleaner to make its window larger; was possible in 5.x versions


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de mikki111, (14 août 2016)

A window dialog popped out, title: "AutoIt Error". Shows an error icon and an OK button, and it says:
"Line 10549 (File "С:\AdwCleaner 6.000.exe"):
Error: Variable used without being declared."
When "OK" button clicked, the main window "AdwCleaner - v6.000 - ToolsLib" just closed, in other words AdwCleeaner.exe suddenly killed with hundreds threats left uncleaned.
I wonder it getting fixed on the next version, thank you.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de Aqli, (14 août 2016)

A window dialog popped out, title: "AutoIt Error". Shows an error icon and an OK button, and it says:
"Line 10570 (File "D:\AdwCleaner.exe"):
Error: Variable used without being declared."
When "OK" button clicked, the main window "AdwCleaner - v6.000 - ToolsLib" just closed, in other words AdwCleeaner.exe suddenly killed with hundreds threats left uncleaned.
I wonder it getting fixed on the next version, thank you.


sur la page de Pre_Scan

de Suukog, (29 mai 2016)

Thank you very much for this masterpiece of software. i was infected by some kind of zeroaccess. not the original one. the one i have is not to detect with "normal" and promoted methods like tdss killer and similar. i did many research and from the traces i found, i conclude it might be zeroaccess. no one was able to help me until now. not even so called "experts". everyone told me i didnt have any issue. then i ran your program. the log showed anything suspicious i found over the last months. and it directley fixed it. restarting the machine and.. everything gone. i still can not believe it. your a genius man. the only one who could help me. you can be proud of yourself. thank you very much. greetings andi.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de renald02, (28 novembre 2015)

Bonjour, ADWCLEANER demande de supprimer un dossier légale:
Dossier Trouvé : C:\Program Files\USB PnP Sound Device..........
c'est le répertoire d'installation de mon programme pour le son via une clée USB.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de tonypl6, (13 septembre 2015)

I love this tool!
I've donated a couple of times.

Now, I would like to make you an offer for making a Bulgarian translation for it. Of course free of charge, just for the contribution.

And I'd like to ask, why not include all the translators name in a tab in your app and/or in the app's description. Let me show you an example:
- The DD-WRT project, in every firmware there is a link in the upper left where you can get more information about the project, the current version and all its translators. Here is an online demo page:

You can add a "change language" menu with the translators names in your toolstrip. I believe it is hard to find the change language menu. I can see that you post a lot of language packs updates in the change log, but I can't find a way to change the language in reality. Maybe make it a little bit easier or include the procedure for changing the language in your online manual.

I hope you'll contact me soon. (toolslib account, gmail email or facebook profile)
Keep up the good work! Thanks.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de cocochepeau, (02 février 2015)

@Me1 We're working on this issue. Can you send us a report showing what has been deleted exactly?


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de ****, (23 janvier 2015)

For People Who Think Everything Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware is really virus..
Wake up Pls..There are a lot of False Positives..This is one of them..If u Look on youtube for Adwcleaner There are a lot of videos teaching how to use it..Showing this specific website to download.


sur la page de QuickDiag

de hugharts, (03 décembre 2014)

QuickDiag v1.12.02.1 download page does not show up in English, only French.