
sur la page de AdwCleaner

de jaibca, (29 avril 2016)

Cuando pulso el botón ESCANEAR aparece el error "AdwCleaner no puedo cargar la base de datos" y no funciona.
Me ocurre desde hace varias semanas, con las versiones que se van actualizando.
Lo desinstalo previamente.
Mi equipo es un Windows 8.1, pero también me ocurre en un Windows 7 nativo.
Alguna ayuda?.


sur la page de GlassWire Network Security Monitor & Firewall

de superglass, (20 avril 2016)

@ibanez0r You're welcome to continue using our free version of GlassWire indefinitely. Our free software is extremely powerful on its own and it never expires or stops working. We chose to interface with the Windows Firewall API because the Windows Firewall is used by over a billion Windows users world-wide. Also we think software that disables the Windows Firewall feels sketchy to us, but maybe we're just paranoid. :)


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de xclnnyc, (10 avril 2016)

Great tool! thanks a lot, much appreciated - used on many Windows 7 machines, takes care of a lot of nasties that I wouldn't have detected otherwise


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de UncleSam, (08 avril 2016)

Добрый день, большое спасибо за замечательную программу AdwCleaner. И просьба сделать в программе проверку *.lnk файлов браузеров (не только Internet Explorer) по пути c:\Users\***\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\System Tools\, c:\Users\***\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\StartMenu\, c:\Users\***\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\, c:\Users\***\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\, поскольку в свойствах *.lnk после вирусов часто подменяется путь на другой. Спасибо за внимание.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de ****, (03 avril 2016)

@adrena please do not put down this program ive been running this windows 7 though windows 10, and yes i used win8 pro and nothing happended, please do not make up things


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de ****, (01 avril 2016)

Be careful!!!
Adwcleaner ver.5.108
Damage Windows 8.0 Pro.
Possible damage to your computer.
Demage Windows 7 without updating the graphics card.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de hhh330, (29 mars 2016)

En plus détection sous avg internet sécurity


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de renald02, (28 mars 2016)

version 5.107 et toujours pas de français......Dans la communauté ADWCLEANER, il y a beaucoup plus de français qu'on peut le penser....merci de penser à nous.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de BakuDM, (21 mars 2016)

For some reason after the last update it's detecting 2 Registry entries and one of them is related to Windows Defender, so I suppose it is a false positive.

Key Found : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\AuthRoot\Certificates\3679CA35668772304D30A5FB873B0FA77BB70D54
Key Found : HKLM\SOFTWARE\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\Image File Execution Options\MsMpEng.exe


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de prston, (14 mars 2016)

Developer Xplode
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for providing the world's best anti-malware tool.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for continuing to support Windows XP.
If your web page had a DONATE NOW button, I would quickly click it.