Re: Hello everyone


Please start by reading our welcome message, here:


Re: ZHPCleaner link is broken on your website


I have difficulty to post on your forum ? what’s going on?

when I have to post my reply above then the page goes blank ?

gamezertruth, 2019-01-16 16:56:21 (UTC)

We're currently having issues with our forum. The "blank page" bug will be fixed in the coming days. Sorry for the inconvenience.

on your website is still shown an old version of the download link of the zhpcle...

Re: ZHPCleaner link is broken on your website

hi there

on your website is still shown an old version of the download link of the zhpcleaner here

while on the Zhpcleaner website , when I try to download it redirect me to another website which the download link is comletely broken on there

False positive with and now

dans AdwCleaner par HiSpeed

Hi guys,

Probably a false positive:

# -------------------------------
# Malwarebytes AdwCleaner
# -------------------------------
# Build:    09-19-2018
# Database:  (Cloud)
# Support:
# -------------------------------
# Mode: Scan
# -------------------------------
# Start:    09-20-2018
# Duration: 00:00:09
# OS:       Windows 7 Professional

Re: ADWcleaner_7.2.2 : mon PC ne peut pas lancer l'application !


Pouvez-vous re-télécharger AdwCleaner via ce lien :

Essayez à nouveau de lancer AdwCleaner et dites moi si le problème est toujours présent.


AdwCleaner 7.2.0 indicated version?

dans AdwCleaner par GLykos

File properties and info show version, same as previous release, but the file when run shows 7.2.0 in the title bar, same as indicated on the ToolsLib download page. FYI.


Hi everybody!

dans ToolsLib par nathanjame

<p>C&ugrave;ng với Đại lộ Nguyễn Văn Linh mở ra cửa ng&otilde; th&ocirc;ng thương miền T&acirc;y với trung t&acirc;m Tp.HCM, Nguyễn Hữu Thọ được kỳ vọng l&agrave; trục giao th&ocirc;ng huyết mạch của khu Nam S&agrave;i G&ograve;n. L&agrave; một phần của tuyến đường trục Bắc - Nam c&oacute; điểm đầu l&agrave; Quốc lộ 22 (An Sương) đến Hiệp Phước (Nh&agrave; B&egrave;), đường Nguyễn Hữu T...

Re: adwcleaner


AdwCleaner ne supporte plus Windows XP. Je vous invite à télécharger & installer Malwarebytes 3.0 à la place. Voici le lien à suivre :


Re: BSOD tcpip.sys? at boot only

dans Windows par cumdacon

Hi yankeelady2015, you simply did a miracle! I performed the scannow as requested 16 day ago (CBS log posted above, with repairs). I tested the pc at reboot for about 10 days....always perfect!!! Thanks this wonderful forum my 10-years-old pc seems now to be a brand new pc! boot process in 3 minutes (inclusive antivirus) and zero hangs, zero BSOD: very good. I warmly warmly thank you a lot!!!! ...