It should be fixed in the next release of AdwCleaner.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
It should be fixed in the next release of AdwCleaner.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Could you please whitelist the teamviewer remote control aplication. It is closed when cleaning. Thanks
I am also impressed with this software, I supervise a small team of 19 Malware technicians for Frontier Communications. We work on customers PC's removing Malware etc. I was wondering if you had a license that we could purchase to use your software for our customer facing issues. If not we could always donate to help you out. You have a lot of time into this software and deserve credit for all ...
De mon côté, après suppression manuelle et redémarrage, le dossier CEF n'est pus présent dans Appdata.
Il existe un dossier cef (en minuscules) dans Acrobat reader et des fichiers cef_XXX dans STEAM.
Bonjour. J'ai la même détection depuis aujourd'hui. J'ai tenté le nettoyage et au redémarrage cela m'indique que le nettoyage a été effectué avec succès, mais dès que je relance un scan, cela réapparait.
La dernière fois que j'avais fait un scan avec ADW Cleaner avant ça, c'était samedi et je n'avais rien.
A noter que je n'ai pas STEAM
Same here. But I have not STEAM.
Même détection au démarrage ce matin.
A noter, une mise à jour de java hier. Je suis également client STEAM.
Same for me today, it's Java (update yesterday)? or STEAM? or?.
Bonne journée
same here, I think it's by steam as well
# AdwCleaner v5.201 - Logfile created 25/07/2016 at 00:30:41
# Updated 30/06/2016 by ToolsLib
# Database : 2016-07-24.1 [Server]
# Operating system : Windows 7 Ultimate (X64)
# Username : Gamefan - GAMEFAN-PC
# Running from : C:\Users\Gamefan\Desktop\adwcleaner_5.201.exe
# Option : Scan
# Support :
***** [ Services ] *****
After adwcleaner detected the CEF folder, I did some research to see what it was and could only find a single topic on it from the Malwarebytes. An elite member stated that the CEF folder is created by Steam. As it was only one person who claimed so, I decided to let Adwcleaner quarantine it and then I uninstalled adwcleaner. After restarting my PC, I ran Junkware and it only detected the harml...
Hi, Think this is it. If not let me know thanks. Debug report and also the report that showed the infected files
Thanks for your assistance
2016-06-23 01:20:36 : [Notice] Running from C:\AdwCleaner 2016-06-23 01:20:36 : [Notice] Scan started 2016-06-23 01:20:36 : [Success] Internet connection is UP 2016-06-23 01:20:37 : [Success] Loaded C:\Users\Ged\AppData\Loc...
Je ne sais comment l'expliquer mais je pense que Malwarebytes a eu sa peau en effet en ouvrant steam en allant dans le magasin une page avec le logo malwarebytes est apparu brièvement et depuis plus rien ...
désolé pour le dérangement