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dans AdwCleaner par sontung

In the '60s, Richard Novak made surfboards and traveled around the world in search of the perfect wave. Today he makes skateboards and travels around the world making distribution agreements for his $20 million-plus company. Novak's Santa Cruz Skateboards, one of the nation's top skateboard manufacturers, cranks out 25,000 to 35,000 best skateboard for beginners a month and is one of the bigges...

Re: USB File Resc - some drive letters NOT ACCEPTED

dans USB File Resc par Liina

Dear Sirs,

I apologize for the enormous delay.

I was out of the country and all this kind of correspondence was only on my desktop.

No expansion needed ! 

The software is great - 100%. I am very happy about it. This was not a complaint, but just an interesting detail, that I found while testing it.

I appreciate very much your reply, as a prove of care and respect to all participants and us...

Re: Plus d'accès internet après nettoyage Adwcleaner

dans AdwCleaner par TheFlash


Après plusieurs recherche sur internet et d'autre forum, j'ai trouvé la solution, internet est revenue

Si ça peut aider certains :

Dans le centre réseau et partage, il faut désactiver les protocoles comme demandé le post de roshaan_riaz du 16 Janvier 2015 (en anglais):,148450.msg922900.html#msg922900

"Go to Control Panel> Network a...

infected by reimage plus & pc optimizer pro, please disinfect windows 10 A.S.A.P.


i have some problems, and i'm 27 years old man,


i have some problems with my 2 computers and my external disks,

my configuration: pc 1: compaq desktop pc by hewlett packard, win 10 x64 upgraded from win 8 pc 2: Win 7 Starter Edition x32 Acer Aspire One laptop

Antivirus/firewall suite installed: pc 1: ad-aware total security pc 2: comodo internet security complete

then,: ---------...

Re: extansion .no_more_ransom


Dans un premier temps, ne paniquez pas.

Ensuite, copiez le contenu du fichier "Readme.txt" de votre Bureau dans votre prochain message.

Enfin, pouvez-vous partager via un quelconque fichier chiffre se terminant par l'extension ".no_more_ransom" ?

On devrait pouvoir recuperer vos fichiers ensuite!


Re: USB File Resc - some drive letters NOT ACCEPTED

Hello, good day to everyone.

Liina, you're right. USB File Resc was designed to be used on removable disks, usually do not have a range of letters so far from normal, causing them to be limited from letter D to S. Most of the time, removable disks are assigned letters D, E, F, H, I. It is an idea that we have had since we started with this project and so far only you have noticed, what a good ...

USB File Resc - some drive letters NOT ACCEPTED

dans USB File Resc par Liina

The software does not accept all drive letters. If the drive letter is U the software replies that I have typed a WRONG ("letra erronea") letter. If I change it to (I:) it works. Does this program have a specific range of drive letters to be used?

Any specific reason to limit the letter range?


Spanish translation:

Este programa no acepta todas letras, por ejemplo para la letra U responde ...

Re: can't remove

dans AdwCleaner par ginamart

I figure by now you probably have figured it out, but I came across this when I was still looking for answers.  3 hours later I was finally free of that crap. 

I basically ran malwarebytes (I turned on search for rootkits under settings just to be sure), AdwCleaner, HitmanPro until nothing was found before finally removing google chrome completely.  And the real problem was that the url redire...

Re: adwcleaner suprime au démarage mais peu de temps apres le probleme reviens


Parfait, je pense que c'est bon. Pour être certain, pouvez-vous me partager un dernier rapport d'analyse d'AdwCleaner ?

Si celui-ci ne comporte rien, nous pourrons passer le sujet comme étant résolu.


Re: dossier AdvinstAnalytics impossible à nettoyer?

Parfait ! Dans ce cas, je pense que nous pouvons donc passer le sujet comme étant résolu.

Alors normalement je n'ai plus de soucis sur le pc car bien aidé par un bénévole d'un site internet avec tous les logiciels zhp et d'autre aussi en complément.

GEGEPING, 2017-03-23 12:54:49 (UTC)

Par simple curiosité, de quel site internet / forum venez-vous ?
