Re: Forum Software Developer Needs Hosting Space..

Welcome on ToolsLib :)


I have uploaded several of the smaller programs here and I am awaiting approval...

KYHI, 2016-07-07 02:42:25 (UTC)

I've published your software, they are now available.

These are programs I update regurlarly and hope to be able to do so without delay...

KYHI, 2016-07-07 02:42:25 (UTC)

Since they are now published, you can update them when you want. To do so, ...

Forum Software Developer Needs Hosting Space..

dans ToolsLib par KYHI

Hello All,

I have several large Windows Rescue Disks that run in a Windows PE enviroment..

These ISO's are about 1GB in size and I average about 200 downloads per day for the last 6 months..

I also create other scripts, tools or utilities that are smaller programs, but also with a high download amount..

I have uploaded several of the smaller programs here and I am awaiting approval...


Re: Bug report for QuickDiag

hello ok :)

would you like to send me these files :

[2015.09.22 17.16.32 | 000,774,144 | ---- | M] () MD5=9F39DC9027B92456016455A32B68478D -- C:\Windows\Installer\3ef7a91.msi

[2016.06.02 06.48.41 | 002,772,992 | R--- | M] () MD5=557170C4FCC0754B372A5FC174735242 -- C:\Windows\Installer\427ad05.msp

[2016.05.19 05.30.11 | 001,429,504 | R--- | M] () MD5=C233BD1DB45AF8BACD0F3C0D8A646740 -- C:\Wi...

Re: Starting a forum for your software

Greetings Violoncello,

I have uploaded 2 softwares

Violoncello, 2016-06-19 03:29:36 (UTC)

I'm glad to hear it ! It's a great feeling to know that people like to use our services. :)

As you might have seen (according to, a forum category is automatically opened when a new software is uploaded and published o...

Starting a forum for your software


I have uploaded 2 softwares: The COCRandomPick and VPPlanetGenerator. It appears there's no support. (I don't wish to expose my email to be harvested by spam bots.)

What is a good way to set up a forum or something so that when a user goes to my web page to download my software, it would be obvious where to go for support?


Re: vrexjvx le chrome pirate

Bonsoir, cet antimalware a donné quelques résultats informels, avec peu de corrections : photo sur :

On peut y apercevoir un curieux "\chrome" dans les datas users de firefox...

Puis en attente d'un outil solveur du problème j'ai (sauvegardé puis) nettoyé la base de reg à la main. (qq minutes!)  Résultat encourageant mais non parfait :

MiniRegTool64 by Farbar Version:...

Re: NoScript Suite Lite flagged

dans AdwCleaner par Xplode


Can you upload on the file called "manifest.json" which should be inside this folder ( or one of its subfolders ) : C:\Users\PCUser\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Extensions\ipiopppcaojnchgoepoemlbdccogeije

Then post up2share's link.


Re: help with a script

dans AdwCleaner par Xplode


You should be able to restore all files directly from quarantine manager by clicking on "All" then "Restore", but if it fails, you can download this file :

Then open AdwCleaner's quarantine manager, click on "Load script", select the downloaded file then "Open".

Wait a little bit, then a report should open. Please upload it on Toolslib and post th...

Re: help with a script

dans AdwCleaner par Xplode


Can you send me the whole quarantine logfile? Please upload it on and give me the link. Then I'll write a script to restore your files.


Re: internet navigation problem

dans AdwCleaner par thom33


Oui je suis francais, on peut continuer en francais

Je ne comprends pas quel fichier je dois upload sur up2share.
