Re: Win XP support

dans AdwCleaner par Sandor

Let me disagree with you :)

Compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 in 32 & 64 bits.

This is written at download page. So XP is not supported. And please look at this link - So you can see that in spite of Russian language - site I gave in previous message is quite legitimate and it in accordance with fr33tux at last.

Re: vers 7.0

dans AdwCleaner par p060477

ust to let you know that yr latest -stable- vers  has the

same -BUGS-

no way to manage quarantine and evet's log



Re: Ransomware .shit?

Browsing old threads and safe to say, that Locky won't be decryptable for quite some time. Considering that new versions of it are coming out, making it even more complicated to do anything. You can read more on Malwarebytes and The Hacker News. Even Kaspersky's attempts at that have failed. Hopefully, we can have the master key somehow, or a lucky break in decryption. Other than that, you can ...

Re: False Positive v7?

Sure, here they are:

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Sat Aug 26 17:05:27 2017 # Updated on 2017/29/08 by Malwarebytes  # Database: 08-25-2017.1 # Running on Windows 8.1 (X64) # Mode: scan # Support:

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found.

***** [ Folders ] *****

No malicious folders found.

***** [ Files ] *****

No malicious fil...

Re: PUP.Legacy.Optional

dans AdwCleaner par cjankow

Thanks Bernard. Good point on adding to firewall if happens again. Was thinking same thing -- that it's not a real hijack or spyware. Glad to hear it from somebody with more IT proficiency. It only happens on one specific station on tunein, and I listen to a bunch so seems site specific. 

Re: PUP.Legacy.Optional


Don't panic, this is a classic "aggressive (scam) advertising" and a (real) false 'Zeus' alert! None zeus virus is present on your computer!

I've not seen yet MalwareBytes, ADWCleaner, HitmanPro, uBlock, adblock, a...

Re: version 5.016 ..... FP with Spyware blaster active x registry entries

dans AdwCleaner par Sigge

I'm running adwcleaner version and this is an issue even now and has been in the last few versions of adwcleaner.

It started with the version where you changed the programs interface.

Most of the time Adwcleaner finds five internet explorer active x registry entries but sometimes it can be over a hundred and the next time it's back to five again even though I have not done anything th...


dans AdwCleaner par cjankow


Windows10 Chrome -- month ago got a malware popup when on tunein radio. Along with the following popup, a voice came on and said "your pc is infected with Malware, do not ignore this, etc:

** Zeus Virus Detected  - Your Computer Has Been Blocked **

Error: Trojan Backdoor Hijack #365838d7f8a4fa5


After running adwcl...

Re: False Positives V7

dans AdwCleaner par notnats

Since V7 I've been getting false positives on all my machines - often ones reported by others.  I suspect they are down to using SypwareBlaster.  This is an old but quite safe program which puts kill bits in the registry to prevent undesireable stuff running.  I think it would be worth installing SpywareBlaster then "enabling all protection", then see what ADWCleaner makes of it.  Thanks.


Re: Cannot get AdwCleaner to work on Windows 10 64bit

dans AdwCleaner par notnats

now the tool is -buggy- with win 10 64bit




p060477, 2017-08-26 19:09:12 (UTC)

You are aware, I assume, that the buggy version is the BETA version, 7.0,2.0. The current  version works perfectly well with Windows 10 64bit. Unless you are a BETA testor you should not be using TEST versions.