Another twist to the same problem

dans AdwCleaner par Koala

Here is another twist to the same problem.  

On 2019-11-22 I downloaded the beta V8.0.0 of AdwCleaner from  It worked fine..

On 2019-11-22 I visited the website again and saw what looked like the same the same beta.  Except I just happened to notice the note saying 'about 9 hours ago', and happened to remember that I had downloaded th...

Confusing filenames

dans AdwCleaner par Koala

The ADW Downloads page currently offers three downloads:

AdwCleaner    7.4.1    Release

AdwCleaner    7.4.1    Beta

AdwCleaner    7.4       Release

I had previously downloaded the Beta when only the second and third lines were there (it seemed to work well),   When the top line appeared this morning, I assumed from the filename that the Release was the same file, but I wondered about it, an...

The problem of lowering IOS 13.0 down to IOS 12.0


I use the Iphone 7 plus, I missed the upgrade to IOS version 13.0, but I found the use is no longer smooth, so I decided to downgrade to IOS version 12.0, but I failed to downgrade, I have to how. Should I continue to downgrade IOS 12.0?

Recovery of win 10 system

dans Matériel par mrmodo01

Using the recovery boot tool and it came up perfectly, I went to the Drive that I needed to look at.  It indicated the directory or file was corrupted and I would like to know if there is any way to rebuild it.  I am trying to save pictures located on the HD for a friend as the PC (desktop) failed.  Any help would be appreciated.

Re: AdwCleaner 7.1.1 false positive with Vulkan

Checked on my 3 other Nvidia GC PC's and didn't find the "C:\Windows\System32\Unknown" folder.

This folder has been installed on march.

Vulkan runtime libraries come from NVidia drivers. As they appear useless for me I uninstalled them on my 4 PC's.

Not sure now that it's not a malware...

HiSpeed, 2018-05-01 10:35:03 (UTC)

I think you must check this issue on Microsoft forums there you'l...

Re: Download fails repeatedly

I've just successfully downloaded this using Chrome on Samsung S9, thanks very much for sorting this. Many people will benefit from easy access to Kyhi's Win10 recovery toolkit.


Re: Download fails repeatedly

Maybe this will shed some light - I suceeded in downloading the file only if I download it to the Microsoft Azure server - where download speed is 1 gigabit per second, and the file has been downloaded in about 40 seconds. On all other (slower) links, it fails repeatedly.

Download fails repeatedly

I've been trying to download Win14393PESE-X86 iso, windows recovery toolkit but it fails on multiple browsers. Less than 10% is downloaded on the laptop and no more than 50% through the phone.

How can I get a copy of the toolkit, is there another source?


English translation

dans WinUpdateFix par Rake

Would Xplode be interested in english translation of his applications?  I use this one alot at my job and I recommended this to a co-worker and he didn't want to use it because it was in french.

Took me a while to translate it / recompile it but I'm 90% done fixing it up in English.

Is this something you'd be interested in?  Here's a screenshot

Re: Remove botton

dans AdwCleaner par cumdacon

Hi, no, it is located in E:\ , I never had it in Download folder. Yes, I downloaded from toolslib site, the app work well; only since the "remove" botton has no effects. I can update it by simply manually deleting it, but this remove botton shows that there is a problem. Its is strange. PS. only in this moment I received the notification email of your replies.