UCGUARD service

dans AdwCleaner par ****


1st of all thax a loat for such a great tool. It helped me a loat in removing may adwares from systems. 2 -3 days back i was downloading somthing and hit with some malwares and adwares. after that i scanned pc with adaware removel tool but after clicking clean it was getting stucked again and again in notrmal mode and safe mood. then i scanned my pc with malwarebyt it cleand most of thing...

Adwcleaner broke my web browser

dans AdwCleaner par ****


I used adwcleaner to scan and clean adware in my computer and these things happened to my web browser. 


as same as other web browser (IE,Firefox) none of these can't connect any website.

I had to use system restore to recover my web browser, so I don't have any adwcleaner report. 

How can I fix this? Please help me. If you need any information, please tell m...

Re: ADW Cleaner ( Not Responding ) when attempting to clean files

dans AdwCleaner par Gedc

Hi, Think this is it. If not let me know thanks. Debug report and also the report that showed the infected files


Thanks for your assistance

2016-06-23 01:20:36 : [Notice]        Running from C:\AdwCleaner 2016-06-23 01:20:36 : [Notice]        Scan started 2016-06-23 01:20:36 : [Success]        Internet connection is UP 2016-06-23 01:20:37 : [Success]        Loaded C:\Users\Ged\AppData\Loc...

ADW Cleaner ( Not Responding ) when attempting to clean files

dans AdwCleaner par Gedc

Have some adware / malware randomly throwing my chrome pages around to "  Important Security Message " pages.  ADW Cleaner found several entries in chrome. Tried 4 times now. ADW Cleaner start to clean and then not responding pops up on the window. Can't close it. Can't Ctr/Alt/Dlt either and need to press hard reset button on machine.  Have tried cleaning files indiviudally and it got halfway ...

Re: Starting a forum for your software

Greetings Violoncello,

I have uploaded 2 softwares

Violoncello, 2016-06-19 03:29:36 (UTC)

I'm glad to hear it ! It's a great feeling to know that people like to use our services. :)

As you might have seen (according to https://toolslib.net/forum/viewthread/3880-cocrandompick-clash-clans-random-pick/), a forum category is automatically opened when a new software is uploaded and published o...

Re: Adwcleaner freezes when it tries to clean

dans AdwCleaner par ****
# AdwCleaner v5.200 - Registro generado 19/06/2016 en 21:47:49
# Actualizado 14/06/2016 por ToolsLib
# Base de datos : 2016-06-19.1 [Servidor]
# Sistema operativo : Windows 10 Home Single Language  (X64)
# Nombre de usuario : migue - DESKTOP-4HI7U09
# Ejecutado desde : C:\Users\migue\Desktop\adwcleaner_5.200.exe
# Opción : Limpiar
# Apoyo : https://toolslib.net/forum

***** [ Servicios ] *****...

CoCRandomPick - Clash of Clans Random Pick

Attempting to make this forum available for providing support to everyone finding interest in this app. If you are a leader/coleader in a clan, or otherwise have responsibility of declaring war, and if you find this app useful in picking your warriors for battle, please make comments and suggestions.

Starting a forum for your software


I have uploaded 2 softwares: The COCRandomPick and VPPlanetGenerator. It appears there's no support. (I don't wish to expose my email to be harvested by spam bots.)

What is a good way to set up a forum or something so that when a user goes to my web page to download my software, it would be obvious where to go for support?


Re: Clé de registre et harcèlement de pub sur chrome

dans AdwCleaner par ThD

Voilà, c'est fait :

***** [ Fichiers ] *****

***** [ DLL ] *****

***** [ WMI ] *****

***** [ Raccourcis ] *****

***** [ Tâches planifiées ] *****
Tâche trouvée : Ateredomkefisp Cache

***** [ Registre ] *****
Donnée trouvée : [x64] HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows [AppInit_DLLs] - C:\ProgramData\Lamzap\Unilab.dll

***** [ Navigateurs ] *****


Re: Clé de registre et harcèlement de pub sur chrome

dans AdwCleaner par ThD


RegSupreme et RegCleaner, je les ai mis hier au cas ou mais je vais les enlever...

Par contre, McAfee VirusScan fait parti de mon antivirus... est-ce que je peux vraiment l'enlever ?


Ci-dessous le rapport :

Rapport de ZHPFix 2015.10.19.9 par Nicolas Coolman, Update du 19/10/2015
Fichier d'export Registre : 
Run by tdr at 17/06/2016 07:47:50
High Elevated Privileges : OK